Captain Obvious strikes again
Someone paid good money for this study.
I know a little bit about fentanyl and I have no idea what this means:
"...fentanyl begins to impair breathing about 4 minutes before there is any change in alertness and at 1,700 times lower concentrations than other sedating drugs."
And this is not only bullshit but false:
"No amount of fentanyl is safe outside of a clinical setting, the researchers said"
Apparently these researchers have never heard of a Duragesic patch.
The researchers are from
Man's Greatest HospitalMassachusetts General, so I can only assume that the author of this article didn't understand what he was talking about. -
Yeah, the abstract says something different:
"We also report that respiratory depression, quantified by decline in an index of instantaneous minute ventilation, occurs at ≈ 1700-fold lower concentrations than those that produce sedation as measured by reaction time. "
And, the article states, "Opioids or other drugs taken during substance abuse may contain fentanyl in unknown yet significant proportions; the respiratory effects we describe here make clear that no amount of fentanyl would be safe in this context. "
That's quite different from saying "No amount of fentanyl is safe outside of a clinical setting."
Yep. Mass General is a great place. I just thought the whole article was ridiculous, incorrect and did not support the headline. if there is anything of interest it's the EEG use.
It was pretty much the only hospital I ever worked for where the doctors were involved with implementing the systems in ways that contributed to project success. Almost always they are an impediment, because while I was always willing to try to understand their viewpoint, they usually assumed they knew more about It than I did and were not interested in learning more. .