Speaking of keeping a lid on Biden’s stories
3 years ago, Donald Trump decided to visit his golf course in Sterling, VA. The motorcade caused a 30 minute traffic delay in the Countryside and Cascades communities off of Algonkian Parkway. It also caused a more severe 3 hour delay for the 200 or so families that lived in Loews Island due to protestors laying in the streets. The local news was absolutely inundated with stories. Interviews with screaming Loudoun Soccer Moms flooded WTOP and other outlets. It was just atrocious that people had their lives interrupted…
Yesterday, Biden’s Motorcade blocked up the Capitol Beltway for 6 hours, leading to other backups on other arteries as commuters tried to avoid the commute. Hundreds of thousands of commuters lost their entire day. Commerce was affected, we had to cancel several deliveries due to this.
Nothing in the news…
Guy that I used to work with had a boat he kept in Racine, Wi.
He wanted to take his boat out on the lake one weekday, but couldn't because the entire town was shut down because 44 was paying a visit.
I posted this a while ago:
A couple of weeks ago, his travel plans were disrupted by the presidential visit to Racine. Of course when the president visits, it's a big deal, and there are a lot of disruptions that occur, particularly to travel in the area. Roads are closed, flights restricted, etc.
Bob was talking about the amazing security - the motorcade with the black SUVs, and you don't know which one has POTUS in it, the covered canopies for entrances to the buildings, etc. He also commented about the crowds that were there to see POTUS. He was struck by the overwhelming number of people who were protesting. They were protesting everything from the economy to legislation to foreign policy. The overwhelming feeling he got was that the people were NOT happy. A ton of boos and catcalls greeted POTUS.
He happened to be standing next to a reporter for a local media outlet when the reporter filed his verbal report of the POTUS visit.
"Yes, Charlie, the president is here, and I must say, he has received a warm welcome here in Racine despite the bad shape that the city is in economically."
Bob was gobsmacked. All around him were people protesting, unhappy and jeering, waving signs, and the narrative was exactly, 100% the opposite. It doesn't fit the narrative.