Tim Scott
@Doctor-Phibes snort
@LuFins-Dad They would of it indicated bs charges or a fishing expedition, IOW, if it backed up their public story.
Just wait until he's summoned to appear in court and Rudy shows up at Wimbledon.
Same joke twice?
Look, Rudy, even in his diminished capacity, could probably make a better mayor than what came after him.
Better even than Bill?
Y'all need to, as the Big Apple seems like it has more than its usual share of problems. I can't understand why they let Bill hang around so long...
You mean Adams?
I think he was better than the alternatives. (Though I like Yang and think he’s useful to the conversation, I prefer him on a national stage).
But I don’t pay too much attention to city politics anymore.
Though I like Yang and think he’s useful to the conversation, I prefer him on a national stage).
I'm off Yang. My impression after New York was that he's a lightweight, possibly doesn't understand the severity of the problems faced by the US, and also that he didn't seem like he worked that hard during the NY campaign.
Running NY would have been a disaster for his career.
I don’t particularly want him in any office. But I like him and he adds a lot to the political conversation. I hope he’s successful in his current effort to push non-partisan primaries. It could save our republic.