The Ultra Elite vs. The Ultra MAGA
Sorry, but the first line kind of put me off. LOL
"In 2020, an unprecedented alliance of the richest and most powerful entities in the country came together to rig an election."
On another note, I was reading something that said that the Democrats should announce that, "yes, President Trump won the 2020 election."
Then, by the 22nd amendment, which starts:
"No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, ..."
President Trump would be ineligible to run in 2024. LOL
I am embarrass to admit I did not read past the first paragraph. :eek
So, I dont know what their definition is. The English definition of "rigged" for me is:
"pre-arranged and fixed so that the winner is decided before the competition"
Based on that definition, no, the election was not rigged.
If that is their definition also, then probably not worth me to read.