Don't remember if we covered this one...
[Aqua] Not as long as media is ratings driven, [/Aqua]
Stephens said, "The worst line I ever wrote as a pundit" was the first he ever wrote about Trump: "If by now you don’t find Donald Trump appalling, you’re appalling."
Well thanks for the mea culpa. But that is an emotional truth still. Even our resident centrist Jon who never met a political bias he tolerated, throws around the word 'Trumpist', definition-free, which can only be interpreted rhetorically as exactly the emotional truth this opinion writer has finally reflected on, and rejected. But of course millions still fall into the TDS tribal trap of believing that emotional truth is objective truth. And they have nobody around them telling them otherwise. As long as it's still a socially advantageous emotional truth, a shame-free bit of hate to share with one's tribe, it will be an undercurrent to all political dialog. Which is exactly what the left wants. As much shame as they can heap on anything that sniffs of the right, they will. The intellectual honesty of this writer is the exception, not the rule.
CNN admitted it...Any story with Trump in it, boasted ratings a minimum of 30%.
CNN admitted it...Any story with Trump in it, boasted ratings a minimum of 30%.
It's safe to say that TDS pop culture has been in bed with Trump all along, relentlessly hate-fucking him, getting their rocks off in a way they can only reflect on with a vague sense of disgust at themselves.
CNN admitted it...Any story with Trump in it, boasted ratings a minimum of 30%.
A few years back, I worked with a guy who also ran an anime news site. Like, anime anime. The writers are based in Japan and cover the new manga and movies America hasn't heard of yet.
They had to publish Trump stories. Had to. Because if they wouldn't, Crunchyroll and others would and steal their audience's attention. And, they learned from Cracked, who tried to take the high road during Trump's presidency and in doing so, made themselves irrelevant.
So, they found ridiculous and extremely oblique ways to reference Trump in about a third of their stories, and stayed in business.
I get the grievances, I agree with the grievances… hell, I get along better with Trump supporters and am more aligned with them culturally.
I get why he worked given the calculus of the choices available. I could even see myself voting for him if the alternative was loony enough. (Eh, not really)
All that said - I still find Trump disgusting.