Bent Wood
Mine's busted. Who'd a thunk these were that expensive?
@Jolly What is that for? (Even the product description did not make sense to me. LOL)
@Mik Ah, okay. Now I see it!!!!!! Thanks!!
It's a scythe. Used for hundreds of years to harvest wheat, hay, etc.
Yep, an American one. The Canadian ones tend to have a different arrangement with the handles.
I have some old stuff hanging around...Crosscut saws, buck saws, froes, etc. Even had my great grandpa's broad axe until somebody stole it from my son's home. Those also have a curved handle (or at least his did) for hewing a beam or railroad tie while standing on it.
While we're talking about old stuff...The same time the broad axe went missing, part of this did, too...Y'all know what this is?
Maybe if you didn't handle your wood so roughly it wouldn't bend and break...
Looks like a scale of some sort.
And...If you were raised in the South...
Weighs cotton.
Correct. I'm missing one of the peas to my great-grandpa's cotton scales (he was a VERY SMALL scale cotton farmer).
We used it when slaughtering hogs and cattle.