Florida Man Friday
I'm sorry. I meant to type "Florida Snail Friday."
Officials in Florida are again battling a highly invasive, extraordinarily destructive giant snail species that also happens to be capable of spreading parasitic worms that invade human brains.
The giant African land snail (GALS)—aka Lissachatina fulica—can grow up to 20 centimeters (8 inches) long and is considered "one of the most invasive pests on the planet," according to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. It ravenously feasts on over 500 plant species—including many valuable fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals—while prolifically spawning, pushing out several thousand eggs in its multiyear life span.
In late June, Florida state officials confirmed the presence of GALS on a property in Pasco County, on the west-central coast of the state, just north of Tampa. They have since set up a quarantine zone around the property and began snail-killing pesticide treatments last week.
While the snails are a grave threat to agriculture and natural vegetation in the state, the invasive mollusks also pose a health risk. They're known to transmit rat lungworm parasites, which can invade the human central nervous system and cause a type of meningitis. For this reason, officials warn people not to handle the mammoth snails without gloves.
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You get used to it...
Anybody caught smuggling those nasty barstids out of the state needs to be, not incarcerated, but DRAWN AND QUARTERED IN MADISON SQUARE GARDEN!
Anybody caught smuggling those nasty barstids out of the state needs to be, not incarcerated, but DRAWN AND QUARTERED IN MADISON SQUARE GARDEN!
@Catseye3 said in Florida Man Friday:
Anybody caught smuggling those nasty barstids out of the state needs to be, not incarcerated, but DRAWN AND QUARTERED IN MADISON SQUARE GARDEN!
Say, you’re not a Rangers fan are you?