Hay Horace! For your new house!
And to give y'all a head start, here is a list of Texasisms: A Glossary of Texan Slang, Words, & Sayings.
Example: Thet sank is a'hite 'n ev'thang, but it's libel'ta be purt near impossible as all git out to clean.
I didn't hear much in the way of southern accents when I visited Houston. Sort of disappointed about that. Then after I got back to CA, I was talking on the phone to the new owner of the piano shop I bought my piano from 4 years ago, and he had a noticeable southern accent. I commented on it and told him I appreciated it, and the next sentence out of his mouth was a gratuitous mention of his husband. I think he heard a dog whistle when I appreciated his accent, and wanted to let me know that he didn't stick to any of those stereotypes.
Houston is pretty metropolitan. Get out of town aways, they're out there.
I've got an old friend in Buna up near Beaumont. Old and bed-bound now, in his day he was quite a critter. Like a lot of small cattlemen, he worked a day job and raised cows on the side. He had a hundred acres of pasture interspersed with pecan trees.
Mike was born and raised about a mile and half from me. Raised a cattleman, married a cattleman's daughter. Probably born bowlegged and so thin if he turned sideways, you'd lose sight of him. Made a heckuva sight bouncing around his place in a ratty old pickup with his running buddy, a black jaguar. May have been born in Louisiana, but he'll die pure Texas. Which won't be too long.
That's the bad thing about getting older. Older you get, the less friends you got.