The Devil's Laughter
Whose definition of tone-deaf? Parents? Children? Aunt Bea? Innocent bystanders?
Children rebel. The 1960's were writ large with it and I'm wondering if we're not now living through the same type of societal upheaval, driven by prosperity and willing Big Tech.
@Jolly said in The Devil's Laughter:
Whose definition of tone-deaf?
I made it as clear as I can. Gotta do your best to understand your kids, and follow Mik's rule about things they stand to lose by providing what's actually needed. If you want to keep playing games that's up to you.
My experience is that whether or not a person claims to be religious does not have any relation to how good a person they are.
@Jolly said in The Devil's Laughter:
That's not the point.
Maybe I am misunderstanding you. But I thought you were saying that there is not enough religion (or religious thought) in the upraising of kids.
@Jolly said in The Devil's Laughter:
That's not the point.
Maybe I am misunderstanding you. But I thought you were saying that there is not enough religion (or religious thought) in the upraising of kids.
@taiwan_girl said in The Devil's Laughter:
@Jolly said in The Devil's Laughter:
That's not the point.
Maybe I am misunderstanding you. But I thought you were saying that there is not enough religion (or religious thought) in the upraising of kids.
And what does that have to do with the statement you made?
@taiwan_girl said in The Devil's Laughter:
@Jolly said in The Devil's Laughter:
That's not the point.
Maybe I am misunderstanding you. But I thought you were saying that there is not enough religion (or religious thought) in the upraising of kids.
And what does that have to do with the statement you made?
@Jolly Someone saying that they are religious does not seem to have an impact on how good a person they and how good they raise their kids.
(Again, must my observation.)
@Jolly Someone saying that they are religious does not seem to have an impact on how good a person they and how good they raise their kids.
(Again, must my observation.)
@taiwan_girl said in The Devil's Laughter:
@Jolly Someone saying that they are religious does not seem to have an impact on how good a person they and how good they raise their kids.
(Again, must my observation.)
So, what do they base their morals and standards on?
@taiwan_girl said in The Devil's Laughter:
@Jolly Someone saying that they are religious does not seem to have an impact on how good a person they and how good they raise their kids.
(Again, must my observation.)
So, what do they base their morals and standards on?
@Jolly Common human decency. Be a good person. Treat others well.
I dont think this is a religious thing.
I dont think that a religion is needed to tell me that I shouldn't walk into a store and walk out not paying for things.
Now, I agree that it is a big problem that common human decency is not being installed in a lot of kids today.
@Jolly said in The Devil's Laughter:
Common human decency?
There is no such thing.
Hmmm ... maybe you can blame that rather unfortunate omission on whoever or whatever created the humans, if you are the sort who believe that humans were created.
@Axtremus said in The Devil's Laughter:
@Jolly said in The Devil's Laughter:
Common human decency?
There is no such thing.
Hmmm ... maybe you can blame that rather unfortunate omission on whoever or whatever created the humans, if you are the sort who believe that humans were created.
Nope...I think Jon is our most prominent atheist or agnostic, and he has a good mind. I remember something he said the other day about God-given rights...There ain't no such animal. We are similar to the beasts of field and plain and in most circumstances will revert back to might makes right and the Law of the Jungle. More subtle, perhaps, but true nonetheless.
Therefore, if that be true, man has no inherent decency. Most decency at a macro level is enforced by man-made law. And pretty much anywhere you go, law is codified morality and that morality is always descended from the predominant religion.
Given the opportnity at even the most basic level, the natural state of man is not peace, but war. War which will plunder resources and enslave other men. There's not much inherent decency in any of that, is it?
@Jolly said in The Devil's Laughter:
Common human decency?
There is no such thing.
Hmmm ... maybe you can blame that rather unfortunate omission on whoever or whatever created the humans, if you are the sort who believe that humans were created.
@Axtremus said in The Devil's Laughter:
@Jolly said in The Devil's Laughter:
Common human decency?
There is no such thing.
Hmmm ... maybe you can blame that rather unfortunate omission on whoever or whatever created the humans, if you are the sort who believe that humans were created.
BTW, if you believe Genesis, Adam and Eve were created as immortal beings, free from sin...I suppose that will fit your definition of decency. For how lack of decency began, I invite you to read Genesis. It is the beginning, after all...
@Axtremus said in The Devil's Laughter:
@Jolly said in The Devil's Laughter:
Common human decency?
There is no such thing.
Hmmm ... maybe you can blame that rather unfortunate omission on whoever or whatever created the humans, if you are the sort who believe that humans were created.
BTW, if you believe Genesis, Adam and Eve were created as immortal beings, free from sin...I suppose that will fit your definition of decency. For how lack of decency began, I invite you to read Genesis. It is the beginning, after all...
@Jolly said in The Devil's Laughter:
@Axtremus said in The Devil's Laughter:
@Jolly said in The Devil's Laughter:
Common human decency?
There is no such thing.
Hmmm ... maybe you can blame that rather unfortunate omission on whoever or whatever created the humans, if you are the sort who believe that humans were created.
BTW, if you believe Genesis, Adam and Eve were created as immortal beings, free from sin...I suppose that will fit your definition of decency. For how lack of decency began, I invite you to read Genesis. It is the beginning, after all...
If we're going to take things literally, you'd really think somebody with all that power would have better things to do than make up arbitrary rules about fruit.