Anybody have experience with a MINI Cooper?
We’re shopping for Lucas’ first car and he is very interested in a used MINI Cooper S. We looked at one yesterday and it had multiple issues… Missing the cover for the middle arm rest, bad AC, the driver’s side door handle seemed to be almost frozen, requiring two hands to open, and the key was stuck in the ignition. This was at the authorized new dealership, so the problems were particularly glaring. Is this typical with a MINI? Or was it the odd case?
My BIL and SIL have had 5 I think. Just got a new Countryman. They love them.
Me, well, they are not built for me. I also don't like that they're low enough to do a Jayne Mansfield on the back of a truck. But they corner like nobody's business.
I'd stay away from that particular one and make sure you get one built after November 2015. They added more crash protection.
If you are looking for a car that has a good "bang for the buck" ratio or is particularly good in some technical detail, then this is almost certainly the wrong car.
The only valid reason to buy a Mini Cooper is because you like the look so much that you are willing to live with disadvantages in other regards.
Minicoopers are known for needing a lot of major repairs are found the 80k miles range. Timing belts must be changed if its not done byou have a very high risk of the timing belt going and doing major damage to the rest of the engine. And the thing is, you cant rely on the previous owner's word - especially since this might be why he's getting rid of it.
Consumers report ranks them as (I think) one of the top 5 unreliable cars on the road.
I have zero experience with this car. However, not knowing anything has never stopped any of us from opining, right?
One review I read, years ago, said that they are a blast to drive - they are like a go-kart that is street-legal.
Sounds fun, but....
@George-K said in Anybody have experience with a MINI Cooper?:
One review I read, years ago, said that they are a blast to drive - they are like a go-kart that is street-legal.
I wouldn't get my son one for exactly this reason.
So much seething hate here.
A friend of mine and his wife keep owning them; no problems and they love them. I don't know what type they have, but I fit comfortably in them and I'm pretty tall. My sister-in-law has one, too; also no problems.
I guess either they got lucky (it does happen) or they aren't as crap as they used to be.