I guess cats like salt.
Some people perspire. I sweat. In this heat, even in the morning or in the early evening, I sweat enough that it drips from the brim of my straw hat. By the time I walk back into the house, I don't have a dry stitch on me.
Oftentimes, I'll pull my shirt off, wipe some of the sweat off and plop down at the computer in my old leather La-Z-Boy desk chair. You know, the one my black cat has demolished.
Anyway, I no sooner check into this place or some other pursuit, than I hear and feel El Gato Negro fling himself to the top of the back of the chair. Which is pretty good, considering this is one of those high-backed suckers. Once he settles, he proceeds to give what hair I have left a thorough going over. Licks the fool out of it. Only thing I can figure out, is the cat has a salt deficiency.
Poor cat.