A pet peeve of mine - the "Backward Baseball Cap."
Other than being a
stupidfashion statement, which lends it some credibility, I suppose, what's the point?Why have the brim on your neck? Afraid of getting a sunburn back there?
It only means one of 3 things:
- You're at the rifle range
- You have a catcher's mask on
- You regularly post Insta stories of your microbrew IPAs like a fuckwad.
@Aqua-Letifer said in Backward:
A pet peeve of mine - the "Backward Baseball Cap."
Other than being a
stupidfashion statement, which lends it some credibility, I suppose, what's the point?Why have the brim on your neck? Afraid of getting a sunburn back there?
It only means one of 3 things:
- You're at the rifle range
- You have a catcher's mask on
- You regularly post Insta stories of your microbrew IPAs like a fuckwad.
You missed the following:
you are wearing eye protection while using power tools like a grinder, table saw or welding
you are working underneath your vehicle.
I generally spin my hat backwards whenever I enter the garage to do any mechanical or woodworking work.
@Aqua-Letifer said in Backward:
A pet peeve of mine - the "Backward Baseball Cap."
Other than being a
stupidfashion statement, which lends it some credibility, I suppose, what's the point?Why have the brim on your neck? Afraid of getting a sunburn back there?
It only means one of 3 things:
- You're at the rifle range
- You have a catcher's mask on
- You regularly post Insta stories of your microbrew IPAs like a fuckwad.
You missed the following:
you are wearing eye protection while using power tools like a grinder, table saw or welding
you are working underneath your vehicle.
I generally spin my hat backwards whenever I enter the garage to do any mechanical or woodworking work.
@Aqua-Letifer said in Backward:
A pet peeve of mine - the "Backward Baseball Cap."
Other than being a
stupidfashion statement, which lends it some credibility, I suppose, what's the point?Why have the brim on your neck? Afraid of getting a sunburn back there?
It only means one of 3 things:
- You're at the rifle range
- You have a catcher's mask on
- You regularly post Insta stories of your microbrew IPAs like a fuckwad.
You missed the following:
you are wearing eye protection while using power tools like a grinder, table saw or welding
you are working underneath your vehicle.
I generally spin my hat backwards whenever I enter the garage to do any mechanical or woodworking work.
Also practical reasons. 👍
I can tell none of y'all have ever ridden a motorcycle with a cap on...:face_with_cowboy_hat:
Reminds me of a Candid Camera (or similar) show that had men asked to hold a ladder while a very attractive woman in a short skirt climbed the ladder. They wanted to see how many men looked up. One guy who had his hat on backwards, moved the flap to the front as it made it easier for him not to take a peek. Of course, if he was wearing his hat properly, there wouldn't have been a problem in the first place.
A pet peeve of mine - the "Backward Baseball Cap."
Other than being a
stupidfashion statement, which lends it some credibility, I suppose, what's the point?Why have the brim on your neck? Afraid of getting a sunburn back there?
A pet peeve of mine - the "Backward Baseball Cap."
First of all, respect the uniform.
If you are in a game in uniform, just wear it the way it should be worn.
If you are in a game and turn it around because you are in the umpire's face and you don't want to get thrown out because you hit him with your hat, well, that can happen in the heat of battle.
Other than that wearing it backward makes a statement.
If it is a fashion statement, then, yes, it is stupid. But, it is fashion, to each his own.
If it is a political statement, or some kind of social commentary, then it is likely to be kind of lame, but it is a free country.
I can tell none of y'all have ever ridden a motorcycle with a cap on...:face_with_cowboy_hat:
I think someone posted this before on here.