Banning The Barndominium
If you aren't familiar with the concept, it's basically pole barn construction, that is later turned into a home or intentionally built as a home. The pluses are that it's a cheap form of construction and the metal will be maintenance-free for decades. The minuses are strength of construction, insulation issues and long term durability.
Out on the rural route, it's also a way to give the finger to the planning commission...Build your barn or shop, then later convert the building. Ain't much they can do about it, since it already will have electricity and sewer, and people will do the interior work themselves...The parish generally doesn't mind, as they get to reassess the property taxes and money is all they really want anyway.
A Texas barndominium, purpose-built:
Because of snow loads, etc., some counties, especially in the North, are starting to ban these type of structures.
What say you?