Hay Cats! Your AOC post of the day!
Sorry, I must be having an off day. Can somebody explain the connection between the two paragraphs in her message?
(And could we get somebody to deconstruct that freaking amazing observation in the first paragraph?)
I think she has a brain (term loosely applied) tumor. Nothing else could account for these fantastical eruptions.
And to think this creature was re-elected. SMH.
Sorry, I must be having an off day. Can somebody explain the connection between the two paragraphs in her message?
(And could we get somebody to deconstruct that freaking amazing observation in the first paragraph?)
I think she has a brain (term loosely applied) tumor. Nothing else could account for these fantastical eruptions.
And to think this creature was re-elected. SMH.
@Catseye3 said in Hay Cats! Your AOC post of the day!:
Can somebody explain the connection between the two paragraphs in her message?
AOC was replying to a tweet accusing the House of doing prime time hearing for the Jan. 6 Capitol riot/insurrection but not for the supposedly rampant gun violence in Democratic-run cities. AOC’s reply rebuts on the point that gun violence is actually even more rampant in Republican-run cities, and chiding the tweet sender for having involvement in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot/insurrection to the point of having to ask for Presidential pardon thereafter.
In short, where the two points in AOC’s tweet may seem unrelated, they are both germane to the tweet to which AOC’s tweet replies.
Data on firearm fatalities, normalized by population size:
City level data: https://everytownresearch.org/report/city-data/
State level data: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/firearm_mortality/firearm.htm
I think I have found the CBS web publication that AOC refers to, but it’s chopped up into 66 slides/pages so it’s hard to get to the “top 5” in a glance. The sources I linked to above puts the data in convenient tabular form.
@Catseye3 said in Hay Cats! Your AOC post of the day!:
Can somebody explain the connection between the two paragraphs in her message?
AOC was replying to a tweet accusing the House of doing prime time hearing for the Jan. 6 Capitol riot/insurrection but not for the supposedly rampant gun violence in Democratic-run cities. AOC’s reply rebuts on the point that gun violence is actually even more rampant in Republican-run cities, and chiding the tweet sender for having involvement in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot/insurrection to the point of having to ask for Presidential pardon thereafter.
In short, where the two points in AOC’s tweet may seem unrelated, they are both germane to the tweet to which AOC’s tweet replies.
@Axtremus said in Hay Cats! Your AOC post of the day!:
@Catseye3 said in Hay Cats! Your AOC post of the day!:
Can somebody explain the connection between the two paragraphs in her message?
AOC was replying to a tweet accusing the House of doing prime time hearing for the Jan. 6 Capitol riot/insurrection but not for the supposedly rampant gun violence in Democratic-run cities. AOC’s reply rebuts on the point that gun violence is actually even more rampant in Republican-run cities, and chiding the tweet sender for having involvement in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot/insurrection to the point of having to ask for Presidential pardon thereafter.
In short, where the two points in AOC’s tweet may seem unrelated, they are both germane to tweet to which AOC’s tweet replies.
No, you didn’t read it correctly.