This looks like fun.
Fathers Day is coming up!
What about the Maverick Package?
I did a lot of flights like that, in a real plane. I enjoyed it, a lot of instructors didn't.
I would let the customer sit in the pilot's seat and do the takeoff. They didn't know it, but I had my feet on the rudder pedals which was usually enough to keep us straight. I landed it, I never let them land.
The person in the front loved it, all of them. I did too. Some tried to kill us on takeoff, but they were usually pretty willing to let me prevent the crash.
I did a lot of flights like that, in a real plane. I enjoyed it, a lot of instructors didn't.
I would let the customer sit in the pilot's seat and do the takeoff. They didn't know it, but I had my feet on the rudder pedals which was usually enough to keep us straight. I landed it, I never let them land.
The person in the front loved it, all of them. I did too. Some tried to kill us on takeoff, but they were usually pretty willing to let me prevent the crash.