Coffin Nail Conundrum
Don't get me wrong, as @Doctor-Phibes says, it's a disgusting, filthy dangerous habit.
It just felt so gooood.....
I remember reading that nicotine is one of the most addictive substances out there. I would believe it.
@George-K said in Coffin Nail Conundrum:
Don't get me wrong, as @Doctor-Phibes says, it's a disgusting, filthy dangerous habit.
It just felt so gooood.....Fun Fact: It doesn't 'feel good'; what it does is relieve the bad -- read, intolerable -- feeling of nicotine deprivation.
@George-K said in Coffin Nail Conundrum:
It just felt so gooood.....
Yes, it did.
And also increased productivity.
And was the perfect pairing with coffee or alcohol.
And it made you look cool.
Over 250,000 times I lit up, and over 250,000 times I enjoyed it.
@George-K said in Coffin Nail Conundrum:
Don't get me wrong, as @Doctor-Phibes says, it's a disgusting, filthy dangerous habit.
It just felt so gooood.....
I remember reading that nicotine is one of the most addictive substances out there. I would believe it.
Smoke a pipe.
Nah, cigars are lit and stay lit. Pipes are an exercise in patience. You dip it. You tamp it. You may have to redip and retamp. You try your best to light it. If you're lucky, it lights well enough on the first try. You take a puff or two, then you start to talk or you have to make a gesture or two. You take another pull on your pipe, only to discover the damn thing has gone out. You knock the dottle out. You dip it. You tamp it. You may have t redip and retamp it. You try your best to light it...
@George-K said in Coffin Nail Conundrum:
@Jolly believe it or not, I used to smoke a pipe in my mid-20s.
Never could abide a cigar.
I still enjoy the occasional cigar.