Kiddo has COVID again.
@brenda said in Kiddo has COVID again.:
Holy cow. Did she sleep at all? How is she?
Gave her some melatonin to help her sleep; she crashed somewhere around 3AM. She's doing better for now—SpO2 95, temp 100.6, but I'm keeping a log just to track how it's changing. This happened last time, too—crazy swings. SpO2's not as bad so far but temp can get pretty high.
I've had an absolute mother of a headache since yesterday, so I wonder if I have it. We're testing nightly now.
SpO2 back down to 91%. She's up, she's walking around and seems fine one hour, floored the next. It's not as bad as last time, but still scary. When her SpO2 drops she sounds like a chain smoker.
It must be wearing for you and your wife, too. Yikes.
Well, I tested myself again. Negative. So this crazy weird headache I have makes absolutely no sense.
Kiddo's SpO2 is more or less steady at 92-93, temp at 100-101. She sounds awful when she starts coughing, but is able to rest better. She passed out relatively earlier last night.
Fucking virus.
@Jolly said in Kiddo has COVID again.:
The rapid tests are not always accurate. If they're positive they're positive. Negative? Not always...
I'm trying very, very hard to get a positive test for that reason. But still nothin'.
I'll do the antibody test, too, just to see.
Bump so @Aqua-Letifer sees it.
@George-K said in Kiddo has COVID again.:
Bump so @Aqua-Letifer sees it.
Temp 100.3, SpO2 97. She's coughing and still sounds like a chain smoker, but is playing around today. Here's hoping this was the worst of it.
Playing is a good sign.
So glad to see this.
When they're too ill to play, it's a sad and scary thing. -
Well shit. SpO2 90, temp 102.6. She's not getting up from the couch I don't think.
This fucking virus.
@George-K said in Kiddo has COVID again.:
This is going on too long.
Have you contacted a doc? Perhaps there's something else going on on top of the virus?
We're doing that tomorrow if we're still in the shit by then. First chat with the doc was basically "nothing we can do unless her O2 is under 90 by the time we test her." Which, great.
@Jolly said in Kiddo has COVID again.:
I do not agree with the current "wait & see' shit from the Feds. I believe in agressive treatment for any virus. My opinion?
How, though? We're managing the fever, working on food and fluids, but they straightup won't see her unless she's nearing unconsciousness.
Tell them her numbers are dipping below 90 ( and they could be), that she's not getting better, that her temp is going up ( it has), and you're bringing her in to be seen. Don't ask, just tell them she has met the criteria they set, and you are doing as they recommended. They may quibble when you are there, but just repeat that you are following the instructions you were given. That is your story and stick to it.