Guess what I did horsey adventures
Can't quite tell...English or Western?
@Jolly said in Guess what I did today...:
Can't quite tell...English or Western?
We found a dressage barn, about 20 min from here that has lesson horses, and Mrs. George has been riding weekly since November.
We were finally able to wrangle the barn's schedule so that I follow her lesson (on a different horse).
Haven't been on a horse in 2 years - and that was Western in Denver (walk only, sigh).
So. Much. Fun. Even though it was a school horse, and only half an hour, and only (for the most part) walked, it was a great experience. I'm looking forward to my next week's lesson.
Interestingly, since it was not MY horse, it required a lot more attention to keeping on the rail, etc. Having not ridden in two years, I felt really discombobulated at the trot (I think my stirrups were a bit short for the saddle I used).
My posture was good, and I was looking where I was going, not at the horse's head, LOL. As I was told, "Tits up!" However, getting this mare to understand MY requests, even at a walk, was significant effort.
The subtle use of inside leg, a bit of inside rein, but more outside rein, was something I never learned.
I was amazed at how much work it was, even at the walk, to get this to work.
I have a long, long, row to hoe. But, it's good.
The most positive thing is that, when I mounted this mare, is that I didn't think, "HOLY CRAP, it's a long way down!" I felt perfectly at ease with her.
I have less grace than my Dad when riding a horse. He rode like a sack of feed.
You look right at home.
How long before the muscle paralysis in the horse wears off?
Well done, George! This will be great fun for you and Mrs. George. Will you be riding the same horse each time?
@brenda said in Guess what I did today...:
Will you be riding the same horse each time?
Mrs. George has been riding two different horses. The one she prefers came up lame last week, and is off to the vet to get checked out.
I'm riding "Opal." She's a tall mare, about 16 2 in height. Flea-bitten grey in color (like Simon was).
It's amazing how much I've forgotten.
@brenda said in Guess what I did today...:
Will you be riding the same horse each time?
Mrs. George has been riding two different horses. The one she prefers came up lame last week, and is off to the vet to get checked out.
I'm riding "Opal." She's a tall mare, about 16 2 in height. Flea-bitten grey in color (like Simon was).
It's amazing how much I've forgotten.
@George-K said in Guess what I did today...:
Mrs. George has been riding two different horses. The one she prefers came up lame last week, and is off to the vet to get checked out.
When Aqua’s sister rides two horses, they both gotta go to the vet to get checked out
@Jolly said in Guess what I did today...:
Can't quite tell...English or Western?
We found a dressage barn, about 20 min from here that has lesson horses, and Mrs. George has been riding weekly since November.
We were finally able to wrangle the barn's schedule so that I follow her lesson (on a different horse).
Haven't been on a horse in 2 years - and that was Western in Denver (walk only, sigh).
So. Much. Fun. Even though it was a school horse, and only half an hour, and only (for the most part) walked, it was a great experience. I'm looking forward to my next week's lesson.
Interestingly, since it was not MY horse, it required a lot more attention to keeping on the rail, etc. Having not ridden in two years, I felt really discombobulated at the trot (I think my stirrups were a bit short for the saddle I used).
My posture was good, and I was looking where I was going, not at the horse's head, LOL. As I was told, "Tits up!" However, getting this mare to understand MY requests, even at a walk, was significant effort.
The subtle use of inside leg, a bit of inside rein, but more outside rein, was something I never learned.
I was amazed at how much work it was, even at the walk, to get this to work.
I have a long, long, row to hoe. But, it's good.
The most positive thing is that, when I mounted this mare, is that I didn't think, "HOLY CRAP, it's a long way down!" I felt perfectly at ease with her.
@George-K said in Guess what I did today...:
@Jolly said in Guess what I did today...:
The most positive thing is that, when I mounted this mare, is that I didn't think, "HOLY CRAP, it's a long way down!" I felt perfectly at ease with her.
Don’t worry… If you fall I know the perfect chiropractor that will fix you right up!
Well done, George! This will be great fun for you and Mrs. George. Will you be riding the same horse each time?