Hay, Mik!
Among my blessings I should be thankful for is that Epic didn’t hire me out of college. I remember my phone interview where the guy asked me about how I saw my future and I said as soon as I got an opportunity, my future will take care of itself. I sensed he was not impressed by that answer. But hey that was me. Zero ambition but a high regard for my own abilities. Then I fell over backwards into a high tech startup job nobody else wanted and my future, for better or worse, took care of itself. Better than a tedious coding job at Epic, that is for sure.
I hadn't heard of this company before this.
Some of the buildings, decorating and landscape seem interesting
Taken as a whole it looks like a mess
It's a little too cute for me, but I'm sure someone had fun doing it
Link to video -
I've spent quite a bit of time at Verona HQ. It's a bit of a cult. You are fortunate to have not gone there. Cool buildings, weird culture.
Needing to blend in with micro cultures where dumb ideas are shared as badges is my own personal nightmare. We had a culture consultant come in a few years ago and they gave us rules and behavior formulas to follow, complete with buzz words. I hear those buzz words in meetings and I cringe. Now we “align” with one another rather than agree. Now we are “above the line” rather than honest or straightforward. It’s interesting watching people eagerly adopt words and ideas fed to them by consultants.