Medical Mary Jane
@George-K said in Medical Mary Jane:
Mrs. George's pain doc suggested that she try medical cannabis for her chronic pain issues (which, as I mentioned in another thread are remarkably well-controlled with opioids). So she did.
It was a totally ineffective, uncomfortable, and expensive experiment.
She went from vaping (coughed her lungs out) to edibles (no effect unless she got stoned) to...quitting.
The thing that gets me is that here, in the early 21st century, we're suggesting that an unregulated, unmeasured and un-studied chemical is being advocated as a treatment for....whatever ails you.
That's bullshit.
Find a disease. Find a medication. Find the dose that you suspect works. Then do the science.
There's no "science" behind this. Formulations, doses, frequencies are all not studied. This, in my opinion is total bullshit.
Does it work? Maybe. Show me the studies. Show me the double-blind, peer-reviewed studies. I'll wait.
I don't have enough knowledge to sat that cannabis is a safe intoxicant. It might be safer than alcohol for all I know.
But, don't tell me it's a panacea for chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia without showing me (there's that pesky word again) the science.
As I said, it might be safer than alcohol, which only has a three thousand year history, but as a treatment for disease, you guys can do better. A lot better.
I wholly agree. I think it should be legal, but not canonized as it is now.
@George-K said in Medical Mary Jane:
The thing that gets me is that here, in the early 21st century, we're suggesting that an unregulated, unmeasured and un-studied chemical is being advocated as a treatment for....whatever ails you.
That's bullshit.
I agree with that 100%. Cannabis is fun. Well, it used to be. As I got older it started to not be so much fun. It actually made me feel worse then when I was not using it. So I stopped. Full stop. No withdrawal, physical or psychological. Period.
It's a choice to use cannabis. 100% a choice.
Best way to smoke cannabis is with a bong with ice water in it. Edibles do little to nothing for me. I built up such a tolerance to it, that even smoking very high grade pot, didn't even get me stoned any longer. What's the point in that?