From Brayincandy
Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised. Proverbs 31:30
Women are like regular people only smaller and more insane. Oh, now do not go screaming you sexist misogynist when everyone knows a misogynist is just a man who hates women as much as women hate women. If the truth were known you would have to suspect feminism was invented by a misogynist. Women gave up all their honor and dignity so they could let men have sex whenever and with whoever they wanted and she was left to raise the baby or kill it, great deal ladies.
Adam was the first man fooled by a woman who wanted to become a member of a Godless cult. Only a woman could be convinced by one of God’s least creations she could become a god and have complete knowledge.
Face it, that is the most insane argument under the sun claiming someone could eat a fruit and have complete knowledge of the universe, yet she somehow believed it. Sounds like the vegan broads today eating their carrots and beans with their bovine look of virtue while they choke down another cup of lifeless rice and beans.
The only thing more insane than Eve was when Adam went along with her little cult religion. Most likely he was making the negotiation men are always making with women and he agreed to eat an apple if she would agree to his request. Then pow they are both thrown out of heaven on earth and the rest is histoir.
The world tries to sanctify women as if there never sin and are so superior in every way when nothing could be further from the truth. Lot’s daughters are another example of women’s treachery who got him drunk and then had his children which became some of the evilest civilizations of mankind and then you have Abraham’s wife Rachel who produced the brilliant idea of bringing Ishmael into the world starting the Arab and Mooselip curse.
Of course, the world today ignores all that and makes the woman a superior human being who loves everybody and does no wrong. She shows her love by marching with Antifa, BLM and LGBZERLATY-256 while hating everyone who does not. She will buy an electric car and put solar panels on the roof to prove how much more she cares about the eart to let everyone know how good she is. Everyone knows driving a Tesla proves you care about the planet more than other drivers.
The liberal cult says there is no personal morality only societal. You can lie, cheat, steal and kill with no consequences as long as you are not a racist, sexist, homophobe. You can be an alcoholic, lie, swear like a sailor and sleep with whoever you want as long as you do not eat red meat and believe in Global Warming you are a good girl, and so it goes. Why doesn’t Climate Change include human carbon dioxide and methane as greenhouse gas?
She is a vegan of course and wears her mask even though she has had ten clot shots, felt a little rough on the last one. She insists her kids wear their masks and gets vaxed and waxed even though she does not really know why except it is supposed to save a lot of young lives or old lives or something. She believes everyone should get a shot because like being a vegan, it is the right thing to do and hates everyone who does not.
She still wears her mask although she has started taking it off while driving herself in the car and in the shower. She is pretty sure the viruses cannot swim in the water, and she sterilizes the tub every day. If only that apple had really worked for Eve and her sisters because they are crazy.
Seventy million abortions prove women are just as evil as men if not more. Yes, it takes two to make a baby the old-fashioned way, but she traded away all of her excuses when she accepted the feminist deal. Women are superior but you have to kill your babies. She is the one who brags about women’s Rights to kill her baby and she is the one who makes the final decision. She is also the one who trades sex for attention when she knows she has an easy mark with a man having testosterone flowing through his veins making them jelly in her hands. She is the one who traded away marriage and family for the ability to turn her womb into a tomb.
Where was the decision for the baby? Why does the baby not have a choice in this warped society? They are always claiming choice for the poor helpless women who had no idea she would get pregnant, yet the baby has no Rights because the cult of science says it is not a baby. If it is not a baby growing inside her, then what is it a chicken, a dog. a horse? No, it is a baby who should have the Right to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In America the only people that do not have a choice are babies and people who do not want to take an experimental compound with serious side affects.
What women do not know or hear is the happiest women are wives with children in traditional lifestyles. The traditional religions with male and female roles give them a sense of peace as well as endless love from their children and community. Even religious cults like Islam, Mormons and Jehovah Witness give the woman a feeling of security and being which cannot be replaced with the Communist Eart worship hamster wheel. Christianity is the most woman affirming religion on the planet as it says a woman is to be loved and cherished.
After the abortion women’s depression, addiction including sex addiction, and suicide rates go through the roof. It is obvious to any woman with a conscious she knows she killed her best chance for happiness. Women after abortion are very likely to not be able to bond with husbands and children later in life not to mention miscarriage and fertility issues. Abortion is Eve's apple.
This is the same exact cult Eve was tempted by is using the same tactic. If you have an abortion, you will make something of yourself and become a better person. If you take the shot and wear the mask you will stop the disease and save people’s lives. If you worship BLM and Antifa you will be a good person and better than all those bad White Supremacists. If you lose another ten pounds you will get more attention and be a better person. If you want to be a really good person you will become a homosexual and then you will be a victim of society. The exact same line, you will be as a god.
Women are very susceptible to these cults since they are always wanting to be liked and good little girls. Men are not hung up with that since society has always pushed them into work and providing for their families. Most men have to fool women into marrying them so being good little boys is not a goal.
We are seeing the results of this sanctification of women as we have a country being led by them and causing massive financial problems and inflation going through the roof. They are the primary preachers and believers in Global Warming and think drilling holes in the dirt hurts Mother Earth so they are happy to pay $10/gal as a tithe to Ghia. They are also the last ones to understand the connection between high gas prices and higher fingernail polish and will complain to the polish manufacturers for gouging.
America is now being run by women and their cult. Just as you could see the most tyrannical Governors were women like MI, OR and now NY, they are using the masks and mandates as Virtue Soapboxes. Politicians use abortion as a club to beat men and Conservatives into submission claiming killing a baby until the first breath is a Right which should not be infringed on. They ignore the seventy million women who are scarred from this barbaric procedure.
The good news is women can still find forgiveness and happiness post-abortion. Jesus Christs can throw her sin from the East to the West and clean their soul as white as new. It doesn’t take a liquid diet or hours of palates or even thousands of bottles of water. It only requires you to admit you have sinned against God and ask Jesus for forgiveness and it is finished. Take it from one of the worst sinners of all, it is real and he will change your life. He can even forgive murder which is what it is when you kill an innocent human being. He can even forgive and forget that horrific sin and set your spirit free to love God.
When you see all the confusion today, the one thing you do know is the very thing which makes women miraculous is what feminism says holds them back. The very thing making a women a miracle bringing life and love is what society tells them is their handicap and sadly many believe it when it is just the opposite. The ability to create life is the one thing making women superior to men and makes them sanctified. It is time for women to appreciate and honor that miracle by honoring life.
It is time for them to take off the shackles of feminism and take up the Word where true happiness exist and where women are honored. It is time for them to be honored for what they are rather than what society wants them to become, man hating Communists. As it turns out, women are just like regular people only smaller and more insane.
Holy shit, man, maybe Valium might be a good way to go.
I'm sick of men passing judgment on women over the abortion issue. Almost none of these men have ever murdered a baby themselves. They have never walked a mile in those shoes. Now, show me a baby murdering man - there's someone who might have a legitimate opinion to offer on this issue.