A hospital in northern China’s Inner Mongolia reported one suspected case of bubonic plague on Saturday, according to a statement on the local health commission’s website.
A third-level warning alert was issued on Sunday; the warning period will extend to the end of this year.
The Bayannaoer health commission warned of the risks of human-to-human infection from the plague and urged people in the city to take precautions.
Have a nice week.
@Horace No, it was statistical analysis. The larger the sample size the larger number of responses you will find.
Reminds me of a story I know I’ve told before but I’ll never stop telling it.
I once worked with and hung out with this guy in São Paulo who would go to crowded bars and maneuver himself such that his back would brush up against a woman’s back. But instead of instantly pulling away like you normally would when that happened, he would keep it there a bit longer than normal or even lean in just a bit.
He said most girls immediately pulled away but one in ten would stay still, or even lean back into him.
He said invariably he’d end up taking those girls home.
So I said to him ‘are you telling me that out of every 10 girls you do that to, 1 comes home with you?’
And he said ‘No, Jon, out of every thousand girls I do that too, 100 go home with me’.
Reminds me of a story I know I’ve told before but I’ll never stop telling it.
I once worked with and hung out with this guy in São Paulo who would go to crowded bars and maneuver himself such that his back would brush up against a woman’s back. But instead of instantly pulling away like you normally would when that happened, he would keep it there a bit longer than normal or even lean in just a bit.
He said most girls immediately pulled away but one in ten would stay still, or even lean back into him.
He said invariably he’d end up taking those girls home.
So I said to him ‘are you telling me that out of every 10 girls you do that to, 1 comes home with you?’
And he said ‘No, Jon, out of every thousand girls I do that too, 100 go home with me’.