Xenon, the White Supremacist
Hey, I'm just going by what Trudeau said about the truckers...
If Kamala is half-white, then this makes complete sense.
It seems that you folks in the US are choosing to remain misinformed about what is taking place with these protests here. Of course that is no surprise to anyone living outside the The bubble called the USA.
For what it’s worth Trudeau is isolating because his two teenaged sons came down with C19 and also gave it to him. Although he tested positive on a PCR test, as of yesterday at least, he has remained asymptomatic. He and his family are isolating in what is the Canadian equivalent of the POTUS’s Camp David.
As for the current so-called “Truckers Protests”, the vast majority of Canadians have about as much sympathy for them as vast majority of TNCR members had and continue to have, for the BLM rioters that plagued the US. The protesters have made their point, their voices have been heard and now it’s time to go home and back to work. It is no longer a trucker’s demonstration against vaccine mandates to cross the border. Rather it is now a reactionary led mob with no purpose other than wreck havoc, intimidate and spread lies on any number of real and imagined issues. Their notion of Canada and freedom is a Canada in which I do not want to live.
Maybe the time for Trudeau to emulate his father has arrived to proclaim a “just watch me” response to end this disgusting spectacle.
Trudeau is an ass clown. There's no need to take cheaps shots at the US for it. You guys elected the fool, just like we elected a fool of our own.
Actually he is just a lightweight fool and I agree he shouldn’t be there. I never voted for his Party and nor did my spouse. Whether the Dauphin Trudeau is really Margaret’s son from Pierre Trudeau or Fidel Castro’s bastard love child from Maggie, he appears only to have inherited his mother’s genes for intellectual capacity and common sense.
Having said that, I must advise the cheap shots on matters of keeping informed of what happens outside the US will continue.
Hey, I'm just going by what Trudeau said about the truckers...
@jolly said in Xenon, the White Supremacist:
Hey, I'm just going by what Trudeau said about the truckers...
This is actually a very interesting article. It’s by the times of India.
India hates Canadian Sikh ex-pats, and to be fair many of those expats are very anti-India.
Sikhs are a HUGE portion of the trucking industry in Canada (the majority in some of the larger cities) - but they made up a very small portion of this truck rally.
I’m not arguing one way or the other about if they’re right- it’s just interesting to see straight up propaganda from India.
And Trudeau had always been in way over his head.
Nothing was in the media about Trudeau or his family having COVID, when it first came to light he was being moved.
Why not stay where you are at, where advanced medical care is much closer?
And of course, Mr. Trudeau is asymptomatic, so there's no way for the public to know if he's lying about being positive. He wouldn't lie, would he?
Nothing was in the media about Trudeau or his family having COVID, when it first came to light he was being moved.
Why not stay where you are at, where advanced medical care is much closer?
And of course, Mr. Trudeau is asymptomatic, so there's no way for the public to know if he's lying about being positive. He wouldn't lie, would he?
@jolly said in Xenon, the White Supremacist:
Nothing was in the media about Trudeau or his family having COVID, when it first came to light he was being moved.
The fact is that it was reported last Thursday that Trudeau and family were in isolation because one of the sons tested positive. Those are the provincial rules in Ontario. In Canada, the provinces set the rules not the federal government. In any case, It was only in the last 48 hours that Trudeau reported that he too was positive. And no, I do not believe that he or anyone else was lying about this.
As usual you rely on or at least choose to believe the wrong news sources.
As to staying put. If the ideology that motivates and represents that mob in Ottawa and the other on the border south of where I live were to prevail, there wouldn’t be a health care system in place to rely upon.
And besides it’s really of no consequence to you where I choose to live, now is it?
Link to video
You can live where you wish.
Now, did Trudeau move, or not?
That's a yes or no.
If the answer is "Yes", the next question is why?
Move where? I told you already he and his family went to the PM’s residence in the Gatineau - the equivalent of the POTUS’s Camp David.
Now you can fuck off with your obtuse bullshit about what’s going on up here.
Hope they do send in the military.
Where will Mr. Biden hide?
A group page organizing an upcoming trucker protest against vaccine mandates has been removed by Facebook in what the founder is calling “censorship at its finest.”
A group of US truckers calling themselves “Convoy to DC 2022” announced on their Facebook page on Sunday, January 30th that their “March to Freedom” convoy would roll out on March 1st in protest of vaccine mandates. At that time, approximately 94,500 people had joined the Facebook page that described itself as “part of many large groups who believe in our founding fathers. We believe everyone has a voice. We support our freedom. Help us spread the word about this group and together we all can make it a better place. God Bless America.” Now, Facebook has taken the page down, claiming that it was removed for QAnon activity.
Move where? I told you already he and his family went to the PM’s residence in the Gatineau - the equivalent of the POTUS’s Camp David.
Now you can fuck off with your obtuse bullshit about what’s going on up here.
Hope they do send in the military.
@renauda said in Xenon, the White Supremacist:
Move where? I told you already he and his family went to the PM’s residence in the Gatineau - the equivalent of the POTUS’s Camp David.
Now you can fuck off with your obtuse bullshit about what’s going on up here.
Hope they do send in the military.
In other words, Brave Sir Robin tucked his tail and ran.
Thought Mr. Castro would have more fighting blood in his veins.
@renauda said in Xenon, the White Supremacist:
Move where? I told you already he and his family went to the PM’s residence in the Gatineau - the equivalent of the POTUS’s Camp David.
Now you can fuck off with your obtuse bullshit about what’s going on up here.
Hope they do send in the military.
In other words, Brave Sir Robin tucked his tail and ran.
Thought Mr. Castro would have more fighting blood in his veins.
Yes and, as always, you’re probably right. Yet deep down in my heart, I really know you are wrong and therefore believe you are just making up nonsense.
….on the other hand, no one except me cares enough to consider for a moment that you actually have no clue what you’re talking about.
The real reason the American right care so much about Trudeau?
First, you cut the money...