Some hits, some misses, but done pretty well...
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Pretty slick for that price. I like the toilet arrangement and the things he did to save money yet increase building strength.
Any idea where it is? With the Amish it is likely Ohio or PA, maybe Indiana.
- The hearth idea is great.
- That heater, while a great deal, is waaay too big for 200sqft.
- I've done the corrugated tin back in camps before, with EMT stand-offs. Does great.
- Don't like his foundation. In retrospect, neither does he.
- Second the cabinet recommendation...Although, check out small building stores. You might can find similar even cheaper than the Borg.
- I'd have dug a pit and put in an outhouse.
- I would have gone for a very simple 12v electrical system, coupled with some Harbor Freight solar panels. The electrical fixtures can be found at a travel trailer wrecking yard and you can rig a 12v pump for the sink. A small cistern and gutter would be easy to do with that metal roof. Which, BTW, I've got a buddy who has done a no-no...He had a similar size camp, with a thunderbox commode tied to a 12v water pump, running through a 55-gallon drum septic tank. Didn't meet code, but taking a crap in the warm and the dry has its advantages.