Ran across this one. Thought it interesting:
5 Levels of Preparedness
Level 0 Every Emergency is a Disaster
Less than 2 weeks of food in the home
No water purification system
No bug out bag
No defensive weapons
No way to produce their own food
No physical gold or silver
No tangible assets to barter
Level 1 Can survive two weeks of Minor Emergency (such as ice storm)
Have sufficient water and food for two weeks of emergency
Able to heat house for two weeks without relying on the power grid by use of the power grid
Able to cook their meals for two weeks without relying on the power grid
Has a first aid kit
Likely has no defensive weapons
Must leave their home after two weeks due to lack of preparation
Level 2: Can Survive One Month of an Emergency (such as major hurricane)
Likely has a portable power generator and sufficient fuel for one month of operation
Has handguns or shotgun to defend their home
Has a month’s work of canned goods to eat from
Has sufficient prescription medicines for 30 days
Has enough batteries for power a portable radio for 30 days
Level 3: Can Survive Three Months of an Emergency (such as martial law or impacting earthquake)
Has a deep-short term pantry
Likely has a water purification system
Likely has defensive weapon for each family member
Likely has some type of neighborhood safety watch or 24 hour security watch rotation at the home
Has stocked wood to burn in fireplace and/or iron stove
Has communication gear to keep track of local and world events
Has means to recharge batteries without relying on power grid
Has three months of prescription medications
Level 4: Can Survive One Year of an Emergency (such as currency devaluation, economic depression)
Has a deep short- and long-term food pantry
Likely has their own garden to produce food
Likely has small-sized farm animals to produce protein (chickens, goats, rabbits)
Has a deep supply of ammo (2000+ rounds per weapon)
Has a spare weapon in event of damage
Has mean to produce herbal medicines to replace prescriptions
Has a long-term store of antibiotics
Likely has dog for security watch
Has full 24 hour rotation of security watch on the home (requires 6 adults)
Show have secondary off-site storage of food, weapons, and ammo
Is ready to bug-out with full hiking and camping gear, if security situation degrades
Is able to educate their children at home
Level 5: Can Survive Indefinitely from Home during an multi-year SHTF or TEOTWAWKI situation
Has a fully functioning large garden or small farm for food production
Is able to can and store the results of food harvest for the coming year
Is able to harvest seeds for next year’s planting
Is able to raise multiple generations of farm animals (cattle, sheep, horses)
Has horses for local and distance travel
Has enough ammo to last a generation (10,000+ rounds per weapon)
Has spares of each weapon and lots of extra magazines
Able to generate their own fuel (bio-diesel, alcohol)
Likely has fully functional solar power bank with deep storage batteries
Has natural on-site water sources for farm and home
Has home-based business to generate income
Is able to build new building and make any necessary repairs to existing buildings
Is able to provide excess food for charity
Has a secondary residency (such as mountain cabin) for full bug-out
Is prepared for minor surgery and child birth at home
Has stores of gold and silver for barter
Is able to produce their clothing (from raw wool or raw cotton with spinning wheel and small loom)
Jessie Krebs (SERE head instructor) is on Masterclass now.
Definitely going to be watching that one.