In China
From a friend:
"Wow, I just got off the phone with ......... in China. We talked about the covid pandemic which doesn't really exist in China. He said that with his lifestyle you wouldn't even know there was a problem. He showed me how they deal with it there when there is covid detected. This past week there were two cases of covid detected at the hospital in his city of 750k. They immediately shut down the city and set up hundreds of testing stations. Everyone in the city was tested on Tuesday and again on Friday. They test people in groups of ten, all ten test swabs go into a single tube. If one of the ten test positive all ten are called back to determine which one tested positive. They get their results on their phone within 3 hours. They have a way to track this on everyone's personal phone.
That picture is what is what everyone in China has on their phone. The purple square is when they were last tested and the color indicates the result. The square to the right is the date of their last vaccination, and the dragon picture in the middle the color of the dragon indicates the level of vaccines you have recieved. The overall color of the big square indicates your overall covid health and it can tell if you have traveled to any high risk area.
Can you imagine testing 100% twice in one week 750k people.
By going in groups of ten they only have to do one test."
Pooled testing is standard here.
In fact as far as I remember, the technology was first done here in Haifa at the Technion.
This is from March 2020 at the start of the pandemic.