Bat Killers
Wind turbines kill mostly female and juvenile bats
Many bats die at wind turbines when colliding with the spinning blades. Currently it is unclear whether all age cohorts or sexes are equally vulnerable. A comparison of age, sex and geographic origin of Nathusius' pipistrelles killed at wind turbines and living conspecifics from nearby populations now reveals that juveniles are killed more frequently than adults compared to their proportion in local populations. Females are killed more frequently than males -- yet in line with their higher proportion in local populations. The high number of killed females and the elevated vulnerability of juveniles may have a negative effect on the long-term survival of populations, indicating that the current practice of wind energy production may not be ecologically sustainable.
@copper said in Bat Killers:
@george-k said in Bat Killers:
Many bats die at wind turbines
A few well-placed turbines could have stopped covid.
Lol, my first thought
There's gotta be a "bat outta hell' joke in here, somewhere...