Hunters moon tonight
What is a Full Hunter’s Moon?
The Hunter’s Moon and the Harvest Moon are tied to an astronomical event — the autumn equinox. Both of these Full Moons occur around the event’s date: the Harvest Moon always takes place first, as the closest to the autumn equinox Full Moon, and then comes the Hunter’s Moon.
Therefore, the Hunter’s Moon is the first Full Moon to follow the Harvest Moon. It can occur in October or November in the Northern Hemisphere and in April-May south to the equator.
As for the Full Moon's name, it is believed that the Hunter’s Moon marks the perfect time for hunting. Animals start to gain weight before the cold times and come out to find crop residues on recently cleaned fields, where they can be easily seen by hunters.
What makes a Hunter’s Moon special?
While the Full Moon rises about 50 minutes later each day, the Harvest and Hunter’s Full Moon appear to rise at almost the same time on several nights in a row. The thing is that around the date of the autumn equinox, the angle between the Moon’s orbit and the Earth’s horizon is minimal; thus, the Moon rises much faster above the horizon than usual.Those from the Northern Hemisphere who ignored this curious effect in September can use October as the second chance. Enjoy the more extended period of moonlight this month; otherwise, you’ll have to wait another year for the next autumn equinox. If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, you won’t witness the effect until April.