Nature is Metal
@George-K That is a cool video. I was trying to watch just one fish at a time and it does appear that they do rotate within the group. Interesting.
@George-K That is a cool video. I was trying to watch just one fish at a time and it does appear that they do rotate within the group. Interesting.
@taiwan_girl safety in numbers and anonymity!
LOL Expected something but not quite that! LOL
Snake Eats Frog Differently to Avoid Poisons from Frog
PS Kind of yucky You are warned!!!
As the group circles a school of small fish such as salmon, krill, or herring they use a team effort to disorient and corral the fish into a net of bubbles.[3] One whale will typically begin to exhale out of their blowhole beneath the surface at the school of fish to begin the process.[3] More whales will also start to blow bubbles while continuing to circle their prey. They corral the fish into a tight circle while creating a net of bubbles to surround the fish and keep them from escaping.
Here's a view of humpbacks eating when D4 and I were in Boston in 2015.
Link to videoNote how the birds know something's going on. They begin to circle when the ocean water's color turns green-ish because of the bubbles.
It was a pretty remarkable thing to see.