Time to hate them back?
Words from Mr. Hunter...
The Golden Rule is “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It’s a good rule, “golden” for a reason, and by which most people live. Then there are others, the garbage people, those for whom the Golden Rule does not apply. These are the people who hurt others, divide people, kill others. Prisons are filled with them, or at least were before Democrats decided they had to be released in the name of equity or justice or COVID safety or whatever. Not only do Democrats release them, that party has become them. Those in power are actively working to harm, even kill, their fellow Americans. They hate you, return the favor.
It’s been clear for a long time that Democrats seek to impose economic policies that hurt the American people, but they’d left us alone physically, for the most part. Sure, their Brownshirts in BLM-ANTIFA have been beating people and trying to kill police officers for over a year, but the main party and politicians distanced themselves from that violence with the help of the media. Now, the White House itself is threatening to do physical harm to people for the simple fact that they’ve elected Governors Democrats disapprove of.
On Thursday, Ginger Goebbels herself, Jen Psaki defended the White House policy of rationing COVID care, or deliberately denying life-saving monoclonal antibodies to states that didn’t vote for Joe Biden in the name of “equity.”
A week after Joe Biden promised to deliver more monoclonal antibodies to the American people, Democrats announced that states currently most in need will actually be getting fewer. Why? Because they’re states run by Republican Governors. Worse, they’re Republican Governors who won’t bow to the will of Democrats.
Imagine if, at the height of the pandemic, President Donald Trump had told New York they were on their own when it came to ventilators and everything else. More specifically, how about if the ventilators Trump ordered built through the Defense Production Act were ordered, by the President, to be distributed equally per state and not flooded to where there was the most need, how do you think that would have gone over? If he’d ordered the hospital ship Comfort to circle miles off the east coast rather than to NYC, it would have been insane and there would have been a riot, starting right there in the press briefing room.
Those “reporters” would have been outraged, rightly so, that the President was not putting the most help where the greatest need was. That’s what the Biden administration is doing.
While Trump flooded resources toward where they were needed, without regard to politics, Joe Biden is stripping resources from where they are needed because of politics.
Asked Thursday why Florida, a state the President is constantly citing as problematic for its refusal to bow to his whims, would not see their doses of monoclonal antibodies go from the current 50,000 doses per week to the requested and needed 70,000, but would, in fact, be cut to 30,000, Ginger Goebbels at first denied it. “That’s not accurate, so let me give you the accurate information,” she responded, “Over the last month, though — and one thing that I think people need to understand for clarity — facts — I know you like facts — is that monoclonal antibodies are lifesaving therapies that are used after infection to prevent more severe outcomes. So, clearly, the way to protect people and save more lives is to get them vaccinated so that they don’t get the — COVID to begin with.” (Watch the whole disturbing exchange for yourself.)
She denies they’re cutting any supply, which is a lie, and coupled that with another lie about the efficacy of the vaccines. If getting vaccinated was the “fix,” why do the vaccinated need to wear masks? How is it that vaccinated people are still catching COVID?
She then ended the conversation by contradicting her opening denial, saying, “I think our role as the — as the government overseeing the entire country is to be equitable in how we distribute. We’re not going to give a greater percentage to Florida over Oklahoma, nor do I think are you suggesting that.”
The population of Oklahoma is 3.9 million with a 7-day average of COVID cases of 2,100. Florida has 21 million people with a 7-day average of almost 11,000, down from 22,000 a month earlier. Should not the larger state with the larger need get more of the supply? That would not be “equitable.”
The President of the United States is telling the people of Florida he hopes they drop dead. If thousand more people die in Florida, what do Democrats care? They’ve got people flooding into Texas ready, willing, and able to slide into their place, and they’re much more likely to vote for Democrats when granted citizenship. Democrats aren’t interested convincing people to their side, they’d rather kill them off.
Matt Vespa
This direct assault on American citizens has gone unmentioned in the press briefing room, aside from that one exchange with a reporter from Newsmax. That’s it, that’s all anyone has asked about it. Florida is going to get 40,000 fewer doses of an incredibly effective treatment for COVID than it needs this week, risking every one of those lives, and no one thinks it’s worth asking about? No one with a press pass knows the population of Florida vs Oklahoma, or their COVID rates? If it’s not New York, they don’t care.The outbreak in Florida is waning, thank God, but there will still be more deaths than necessary because of the White House’s active decision to let people die in the name of “equity.” If New York or California experience another surge, they will not suffer the same fate. Of course not. They vote properly.
Democrats have always wanted people who displease them dead, now they’re doing something about it. They hate you, and they’re open about it and proud of it. Return the favor.
Words from Mr. Hunter...
The Golden Rule is “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It’s a good rule, “golden” for a reason, and by which most people live. Then there are others, the garbage people, those for whom the Golden Rule does not apply. These are the people who hurt others, divide people, kill others. Prisons are filled with them, or at least were before Democrats decided they had to be released in the name of equity or justice or COVID safety or whatever. Not only do Democrats release them, that party has become them. Those in power are actively working to harm, even kill, their fellow Americans. They hate you, return the favor.
It’s been clear for a long time that Democrats seek to impose economic policies that hurt the American people, but they’d left us alone physically, for the most part. Sure, their Brownshirts in BLM-ANTIFA have been beating people and trying to kill police officers for over a year, but the main party and politicians distanced themselves from that violence with the help of the media. Now, the White House itself is threatening to do physical harm to people for the simple fact that they’ve elected Governors Democrats disapprove of.
On Thursday, Ginger Goebbels herself, Jen Psaki defended the White House policy of rationing COVID care, or deliberately denying life-saving monoclonal antibodies to states that didn’t vote for Joe Biden in the name of “equity.”
A week after Joe Biden promised to deliver more monoclonal antibodies to the American people, Democrats announced that states currently most in need will actually be getting fewer. Why? Because they’re states run by Republican Governors. Worse, they’re Republican Governors who won’t bow to the will of Democrats.
Imagine if, at the height of the pandemic, President Donald Trump had told New York they were on their own when it came to ventilators and everything else. More specifically, how about if the ventilators Trump ordered built through the Defense Production Act were ordered, by the President, to be distributed equally per state and not flooded to where there was the most need, how do you think that would have gone over? If he’d ordered the hospital ship Comfort to circle miles off the east coast rather than to NYC, it would have been insane and there would have been a riot, starting right there in the press briefing room.
Those “reporters” would have been outraged, rightly so, that the President was not putting the most help where the greatest need was. That’s what the Biden administration is doing.
While Trump flooded resources toward where they were needed, without regard to politics, Joe Biden is stripping resources from where they are needed because of politics.
Asked Thursday why Florida, a state the President is constantly citing as problematic for its refusal to bow to his whims, would not see their doses of monoclonal antibodies go from the current 50,000 doses per week to the requested and needed 70,000, but would, in fact, be cut to 30,000, Ginger Goebbels at first denied it. “That’s not accurate, so let me give you the accurate information,” she responded, “Over the last month, though — and one thing that I think people need to understand for clarity — facts — I know you like facts — is that monoclonal antibodies are lifesaving therapies that are used after infection to prevent more severe outcomes. So, clearly, the way to protect people and save more lives is to get them vaccinated so that they don’t get the — COVID to begin with.” (Watch the whole disturbing exchange for yourself.)
She denies they’re cutting any supply, which is a lie, and coupled that with another lie about the efficacy of the vaccines. If getting vaccinated was the “fix,” why do the vaccinated need to wear masks? How is it that vaccinated people are still catching COVID?
She then ended the conversation by contradicting her opening denial, saying, “I think our role as the — as the government overseeing the entire country is to be equitable in how we distribute. We’re not going to give a greater percentage to Florida over Oklahoma, nor do I think are you suggesting that.”
The population of Oklahoma is 3.9 million with a 7-day average of COVID cases of 2,100. Florida has 21 million people with a 7-day average of almost 11,000, down from 22,000 a month earlier. Should not the larger state with the larger need get more of the supply? That would not be “equitable.”
The President of the United States is telling the people of Florida he hopes they drop dead. If thousand more people die in Florida, what do Democrats care? They’ve got people flooding into Texas ready, willing, and able to slide into their place, and they’re much more likely to vote for Democrats when granted citizenship. Democrats aren’t interested convincing people to their side, they’d rather kill them off.
Matt Vespa
This direct assault on American citizens has gone unmentioned in the press briefing room, aside from that one exchange with a reporter from Newsmax. That’s it, that’s all anyone has asked about it. Florida is going to get 40,000 fewer doses of an incredibly effective treatment for COVID than it needs this week, risking every one of those lives, and no one thinks it’s worth asking about? No one with a press pass knows the population of Florida vs Oklahoma, or their COVID rates? If it’s not New York, they don’t care.The outbreak in Florida is waning, thank God, but there will still be more deaths than necessary because of the White House’s active decision to let people die in the name of “equity.” If New York or California experience another surge, they will not suffer the same fate. Of course not. They vote properly.
Democrats have always wanted people who displease them dead, now they’re doing something about it. They hate you, and they’re open about it and proud of it. Return the favor.
@jolly said in Time to hate them back?:
Democrats have always wanted people who displease them dead, now they’re doing something about it. They hate you, and they’re open about it and proud of it. Return the favor.
Yep, sounds just as constructive as it is Christian.
Words from Mr. Hunter...
The Golden Rule is “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” It’s a good rule, “golden” for a reason, and by which most people live. Then there are others, the garbage people, those for whom the Golden Rule does not apply. These are the people who hurt others, divide people, kill others. Prisons are filled with them, or at least were before Democrats decided they had to be released in the name of equity or justice or COVID safety or whatever. Not only do Democrats release them, that party has become them. Those in power are actively working to harm, even kill, their fellow Americans. They hate you, return the favor.
It’s been clear for a long time that Democrats seek to impose economic policies that hurt the American people, but they’d left us alone physically, for the most part. Sure, their Brownshirts in BLM-ANTIFA have been beating people and trying to kill police officers for over a year, but the main party and politicians distanced themselves from that violence with the help of the media. Now, the White House itself is threatening to do physical harm to people for the simple fact that they’ve elected Governors Democrats disapprove of.
On Thursday, Ginger Goebbels herself, Jen Psaki defended the White House policy of rationing COVID care, or deliberately denying life-saving monoclonal antibodies to states that didn’t vote for Joe Biden in the name of “equity.”
A week after Joe Biden promised to deliver more monoclonal antibodies to the American people, Democrats announced that states currently most in need will actually be getting fewer. Why? Because they’re states run by Republican Governors. Worse, they’re Republican Governors who won’t bow to the will of Democrats.
Imagine if, at the height of the pandemic, President Donald Trump had told New York they were on their own when it came to ventilators and everything else. More specifically, how about if the ventilators Trump ordered built through the Defense Production Act were ordered, by the President, to be distributed equally per state and not flooded to where there was the most need, how do you think that would have gone over? If he’d ordered the hospital ship Comfort to circle miles off the east coast rather than to NYC, it would have been insane and there would have been a riot, starting right there in the press briefing room.
Those “reporters” would have been outraged, rightly so, that the President was not putting the most help where the greatest need was. That’s what the Biden administration is doing.
While Trump flooded resources toward where they were needed, without regard to politics, Joe Biden is stripping resources from where they are needed because of politics.
Asked Thursday why Florida, a state the President is constantly citing as problematic for its refusal to bow to his whims, would not see their doses of monoclonal antibodies go from the current 50,000 doses per week to the requested and needed 70,000, but would, in fact, be cut to 30,000, Ginger Goebbels at first denied it. “That’s not accurate, so let me give you the accurate information,” she responded, “Over the last month, though — and one thing that I think people need to understand for clarity — facts — I know you like facts — is that monoclonal antibodies are lifesaving therapies that are used after infection to prevent more severe outcomes. So, clearly, the way to protect people and save more lives is to get them vaccinated so that they don’t get the — COVID to begin with.” (Watch the whole disturbing exchange for yourself.)
She denies they’re cutting any supply, which is a lie, and coupled that with another lie about the efficacy of the vaccines. If getting vaccinated was the “fix,” why do the vaccinated need to wear masks? How is it that vaccinated people are still catching COVID?
She then ended the conversation by contradicting her opening denial, saying, “I think our role as the — as the government overseeing the entire country is to be equitable in how we distribute. We’re not going to give a greater percentage to Florida over Oklahoma, nor do I think are you suggesting that.”
The population of Oklahoma is 3.9 million with a 7-day average of COVID cases of 2,100. Florida has 21 million people with a 7-day average of almost 11,000, down from 22,000 a month earlier. Should not the larger state with the larger need get more of the supply? That would not be “equitable.”
The President of the United States is telling the people of Florida he hopes they drop dead. If thousand more people die in Florida, what do Democrats care? They’ve got people flooding into Texas ready, willing, and able to slide into their place, and they’re much more likely to vote for Democrats when granted citizenship. Democrats aren’t interested convincing people to their side, they’d rather kill them off.
Matt Vespa
This direct assault on American citizens has gone unmentioned in the press briefing room, aside from that one exchange with a reporter from Newsmax. That’s it, that’s all anyone has asked about it. Florida is going to get 40,000 fewer doses of an incredibly effective treatment for COVID than it needs this week, risking every one of those lives, and no one thinks it’s worth asking about? No one with a press pass knows the population of Florida vs Oklahoma, or their COVID rates? If it’s not New York, they don’t care.The outbreak in Florida is waning, thank God, but there will still be more deaths than necessary because of the White House’s active decision to let people die in the name of “equity.” If New York or California experience another surge, they will not suffer the same fate. Of course not. They vote properly.
Democrats have always wanted people who displease them dead, now they’re doing something about it. They hate you, and they’re open about it and proud of it. Return the favor.
Well, I like him, but he's family, so...
But he's pretty spot on here regarding what is happening.
@mik said in Time to hate them back?:
Well, I like him, but he's family, so...
But he's pretty spot on here regarding what is happening.
But an utter failure with providing a solution. There's an enormous majority out there who want nothing to do with this struggle. Conservatives win them over quite easily by being the group preaching actual tolerance. If they want to win, and have a country to be a part of by the end of this, need to lean into their individual liberties rhetoric and leave the hate for the other group. Let them expose themselves for the assholes they are and the middle will turn their backs on them. Mutual hatred leads to body counts.
Fake news.
2,000 people a day are dying because they won’t take the vaccine and somehow its now the government’s fault, the same government that is paying 20k a hospitalization for unvaccinated people.
Stop the nonsense.
@loki said in Time to hate them back?:
Fake news.
2,000 people a day are dying because they won’t take the vaccine and somehow its now the government’s fault, the same government that is paying 20k a hospitalization for unvaccinated people.
Stop the nonsense.
@mik said in Time to hate them back?:
Well, I like him, but he's family, so...
But he's pretty spot on here regarding what is happening.
But an utter failure with providing a solution. There's an enormous majority out there who want nothing to do with this struggle. Conservatives win them over quite easily by being the group preaching actual tolerance. If they want to win, and have a country to be a part of by the end of this, need to lean into their individual liberties rhetoric and leave the hate for the other group. Let them expose themselves for the assholes they are and the middle will turn their backs on them. Mutual hatred leads to body counts.
@aqua-letifer said in Time to hate them back?:
@mik said in Time to hate them back?:
Well, I like him, but he's family, so...
But he's pretty spot on here regarding what is happening.
But an utter failure with providing a solution. There's an enormous majority out there who want nothing to do with this struggle. Conservatives win them over quite easily by being the group preaching actual tolerance. If they want to win, and have a country to be a part of by the end of this, need to lean into their individual liberties rhetoric and leave the hate for the other group. Let them expose themselves for the assholes they are and the middle will turn their backs on them. Mutual hatred leads to body counts.
I think we passed that point awhile back. We are on an inevitable slide of not if, but when.
I do think one thing that could turn things around, is not curtailing the First Amendment, but strengthening libel and slander laws, including for public figures. When news gets back to Joe Friday reporting, with multiple sources and the end of political commentary inserted into true news, the pot will bubble a lot less.
@aqua-letifer said in Time to hate them back?:
@mik said in Time to hate them back?:
Well, I like him, but he's family, so...
But he's pretty spot on here regarding what is happening.
But an utter failure with providing a solution. There's an enormous majority out there who want nothing to do with this struggle. Conservatives win them over quite easily by being the group preaching actual tolerance. If they want to win, and have a country to be a part of by the end of this, need to lean into their individual liberties rhetoric and leave the hate for the other group. Let them expose themselves for the assholes they are and the middle will turn their backs on them. Mutual hatred leads to body counts.
I think we passed that point awhile back. We are on an inevitable slide of not if, but when.
I do think one thing that could turn things around, is not curtailing the First Amendment, but strengthening libel and slander laws, including for public figures. When news gets back to Joe Friday reporting, with multiple sources and the end of political commentary inserted into true news, the pot will bubble a lot less.
@jolly said in Time to hate them back?:
I think we passed that point awhile back. We are on an inevitable slide of not if, but when.
We really haven't. Like at all.
Almost nobody cares about this shit. They're still filling their tanks up at Exxon and driving to work.
Until they don't have anything to put in the cars they don't have, to not get to the job that layed them off.
@jolly said in Time to hate them back?:
Until they don't have anything to put in the cars they don't have, to not get to the job that layed them off.
Well yes when the world ends like that, I'll allow that there will be a higher likelihood of violence, but placing car manufacturing, energy distribution and the entire global economy at the feet of liberals is a bit much.
@jolly said in Time to hate them back?:
@loki said in Time to hate them back?:
Fake news.
2,000 people a day are dying because they won’t take the vaccine and somehow its now the government’s fault, the same government that is paying 20k a hospitalization for unvaccinated people.
Stop the nonsense.
Here’s a new trick for you. Regeneron is a conspiracy by pharmaceutical companies. I know its a tough one because first it was Teh government being a shill and now the government is withholding. One trick pony can handle that.
@jolly said in Time to hate them back?:
Until they don't have anything to put in the cars they don't have, to not get to the job that layed them off.
Well yes when the world ends like that, I'll allow that there will be a higher likelihood of violence, but placing car manufacturing, energy distribution and the entire global economy at the feet of liberals is a bit much.
@aqua-letifer said in Time to hate them back?:
@jolly said in Time to hate them back?:
Until they don't have anything to put in the cars they don't have, to not get to the job that layed them off.
Well yes when the world ends like that, I'll allow that there will be a higher likelihood of violence, but placing car manufacturing, energy distribution and the entire global economy at the feet of liberals is a bit much.
I'm not placing all that at the feet of liberals, but I am saying a fractured society can disintegrate under pressure. Look at Germany under the Weimar Republic, when brutal inflation hit.
@aqua-letifer said in Time to hate them back?:
@jolly said in Time to hate them back?:
Until they don't have anything to put in the cars they don't have, to not get to the job that layed them off.
Well yes when the world ends like that, I'll allow that there will be a higher likelihood of violence, but placing car manufacturing, energy distribution and the entire global economy at the feet of liberals is a bit much.
I'm not placing all that at the feet of liberals, but I am saying a fractured society can disintegrate under pressure. Look at Germany under the Weimar Republic, when brutal inflation hit.
@jolly said in Time to hate them back?:
I'm not placing all that at the feet of liberals, but I am saying a fractured society can disintegrate under pressure. Look at Germany under the Weimar Republic, when brutal inflation hit.
Well, sure. It can happen. What I'm saying is that we're not in the Weimar Republic yet and we shouldn't treat it as a foregone conclusion.
Fake news.
2,000 people a day are dying because they won’t take the vaccine and somehow its now the government’s fault, the same government that is paying 20k a hospitalization for unvaccinated people.
Stop the nonsense.
@loki said in Time to hate them back?:
Fake news.
2,000 people a day are dying because they won’t take the vaccine and somehow its now the government’s fault, the same government that is paying 20k a hospitalization for unvaccinated people.
Stop the nonsense.
Why are you saying the government is paying for these hospitalizations? Insurance is paying for these hospitalizations as are the patients. A friend has shown me his bills.
@jolly said in Time to hate them back?:
I'm not placing all that at the feet of liberals, but I am saying a fractured society can disintegrate under pressure. Look at Germany under the Weimar Republic, when brutal inflation hit.
Well, sure. It can happen. What I'm saying is that we're not in the Weimar Republic yet and we shouldn't treat it as a foregone conclusion.
@aqua-letifer said in Time to hate them back?:
Well, sure. It can happen. What I'm saying is that we're not in the Weimar Republic yet and we shouldn't treat it as a foregone conclusion.
We've only just survived The GREAT DEPRESSION OF 2008 PEOPLE DEAD IN THE STREETS!!!!!11!, and already people are getting a hard-on for the next one.
Misery loves company.