Ratner’s right, but of course I’d say that because he’s making my point.
But @George-K 15 months is a bit of a cherry pick since gas prices plummeted in Q220 due to covid
Yes, and the rise in printed dollars antedates the Biden administration as well to some extent. I'm sure that didn't help.
But to address your point as to "cherry-picking" the 5 year timeline is somewhat different (and we can ignore that "Putin spike" for the sake of discussion).
The Trump peak is in May 2025 at about $3.00/gallon.
The pre-Putin peak under the Biden administration is about $3.35, 10% higher. Inflation for the year is now 7.5%.
As you know, gas prices are only one factor, and a major one, in the cost of living.
I saw another chart today (correlation is not causation, of course) showing the rise of money available compared with inflation.
Yes, and the rise in printed dollars antedates the Biden administration as well to some extent. I'm sure that didn't help.
To some extent? Almost entirely. The vast majority of dollars that have ever existed were ‘printed’ during the Trump administration.
ETA: of the ~21T dollars in existence, ~15T were printed on Trump’s watch.
Yes, and the rise in printed dollars antedates the Biden administration as well to some extent. I'm sure that didn't help.
To some extent? Almost entirely. The vast majority of dollars that have ever existed were ‘printed’ during the Trump administration.
ETA: of the ~21T dollars in existence, ~15T were printed on Trump’s watch.
Yes, and the rise in printed dollars antedates the Biden administration as well to some extent. I'm sure that didn't help.
To some extent? Almost entirely. The vast majority of dollars that have ever existed were ‘printed’ during the Trump administration.
ETA: of the ~21T dollars in existence, ~15T were printed on Trump’s watch.
Oh bull shit. You actually want us to believe that the massive debt the democrats ran up wasn't connected ?
There was a pandemic. The threat of a complete economic collapse was real. Money was thrown at it. Now - who was it that created most of the wild eyed bulls shit that drove that? Fucking democrats. Then who was it that wanted to keep on handing out money like candy even after it was determined the handouts were being wasted and weren't helping?? Fucking democrats. Yet you want to drop that all on Trump as if he was the bad guy. I refuse to believe you're that stupid.
I’m not really “dropping it all on Trump” rather I’m exposing the facile partisan explanations in this thread.
I talked more broadly about the causes of inflation in another thread about a week ago.
@jon-nyc interesting that the number of circulating dollars rose at a pretty slow pace until the pandemic really hit in spring of 2020. After that spike, however, the pace exceeds the historical rate of rise.
Jon has forgotten a few things...IIRC, the first big round of quantitative easing (the Fed creating digital dollars) was done by the Obama Administration during the recession and bank crisis, trying to keep banks afloat and interest rates low. You know, banks to big to fail, and all that jazz.
Trump's Administration saw a lot of digital dollars created. We had this little ChiCom COVID pandemic that was causing a bit of problem in the economy. I think the first stimulus was probably needed. I don't think any subsequent monies were. Regardless the Fed didn't create money at any faster rate than the European Central Bank or many other large institutions.
And then, along came Joe...Joe dumped another stimulus bill on us, one we didn't really need. It's fun to go through that bill and look at how many disincentives there are for American people working. But hey, votes ain't cheap. And would have dumped another huge supplemental spending bill on us, except a few members of his own party balked. Couple all the spending with a disastrous energy policy...Nah, that's too kind...Couple all that with an absolutely fucking nuts energy policy that Putin and Xi must have co-written, and we have record, generation-screwing inflation.
People ought to be working their butts off, trying to make more money to keep up with the Inflation Tiger. But they ain't. Maybe they got used to not working as hard during the lockdowns. Maybe it's because Mr. Biden's stimulus bill is paying some people enough, they don't have to work.
Regardless, the MSM ballyhoos the Unemployment Rate. What they don't tell you is the percentage of people no longer looking for a job. If you look at our Employment Percentage Rate , it's in the low 60's, which is quite bad.
No, The Resident put the cherry on the topping of this mess and he owns it. Maybe that's why the GOP is up 11 points over the Dems in the Generic....
Would a Clinton administration have done a worse job of it, same, better, or impossible to know or speculate reasonably?
(This question will go unanswered by Clinton voters.)
My greatest disappointment in the Trump administration is it
did not tacklepromulgated spending,FIFY, no need to thank me.
Would a Clinton administration have done a worse job of it, same, better, or impossible to know or speculate reasonably?
(This question will go unanswered by Clinton voters.)
Oh, and the inflation we’re seeing now would have been quite similar had Trump not lost in a landslide.
Oh, and the inflation we’re seeing now would have been quite similar had Trump not lost in a landslide.
Oh, and the inflation we’re seeing now would have been quite similar had Trump not lost in a landslide.
Oh - and had the democrats not managed to swing the votes in a few key areas just enough for the geriatric criminal who squeaked into office by the skin of his dentures, you crazy democrats would be blaming the inflation on Trump.
In the last 60 years, the US share of the world economy has almost gone down by half - from a little over 40% to almost 20% now.
Obviously, still the biggest economy, but there are so many external things happening around the world (both good and bad) which will effect US inflation, etc.
As a
famousunknown forum poster has pointed out, "the US president gets too much praise and too much blame for the economy".