Oh, Ow. OW!
wrote on 4 Sept 2021, 14:35 last edited by
Just completed my first foam rolling session.
It hurt! After I finished, I asked Mr. Google why foam rolling hurts when the demo models look like they're floating blissfully in a reflecting pool. Several websites assured me that if it hurts at first, that's normal, and it just means tight muscles or tight fascia or both, and that it will get better.
So okay. That's me, I guess. I'll stay with it and report on progress if anyone is interested.
wrote on 4 Sept 2021, 14:40 last edited by Mik 9 Apr 2021, 14:42
Not familiar. What's foam rolling?
OK, I googled it.
wrote on 4 Sept 2021, 14:52 last edited by Catseye3 9 Apr 2021, 14:53
@mik Hee hee hee-e-e-e! My first victim.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^Here's a good beginner's FAQ: https://www.anytimefitness.com/ccc/how-to/foam-rolling-101-everything-you-need-to-know-to-get-rolling/
And here's another with brief videos demonstrating how to foam roll various body parts. They're a bit jerky, but you'll get the idea. https://www.healthline.com/health/fitness-exercise/foam-rolling-how-to
Reading these two should give you a good idea of what it's all about.
ETA: I can point you to the Amazon page that has my foam roller, if you think you'd like to pursue this.
wrote on 4 Sept 2021, 15:04 last edited by
No, I think not. But thanks.
wrote on 7 Sept 2021, 00:17 last edited by Catseye3 9 Jul 2021, 01:09
Update. If you redd my OP and are thinking of taking up foam rolling -- step away from the Order button and you won't get hurt! Maybe.
I ordered the wrong kind, as it turns out -- why it hurts when it's not supposed to. YMMV, but if you're a softie you'll want to learn more about the various options. My current one is medium density, 6" in diameter. Hard as hell and way too big. I'm now scoping out a "soft foam roller" of a 3" diameter. Soft might be too soft for you . . . anyway, point being selecting the right foam roller is not as simple as it seems at first.
Be warned.
ETA: An Amazon reviewer said this about the Cando-30-2103 PE White Foam Roller, 4" X 12", Round: "I've never understood traditional rollers. They're so big you kill yourself just with the effort to keep you at the same/similar level of it, plus the excruciating/amazing pain of rolling out muscles and IT bands. I'm exhausted just from propping myself up."
This reviewer, obviously quite intelligent and discerning, is named NYCReview. S/he is probably a friend of Jon's. S/he goes on:
"This size does it all. Rolls out your aches exactly as the big one does, but you can lay on the floor/mat quite comfortably and even rest as you sit on a good spot a while."
The Cando brand is sort of shaping up as possibly cheap junk. Might be an okay first purchase if you're not sure about going on with it.