Upping the Crazy
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 12:30 last edited by
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: the South may shoot the vaccinators!
And other colorful terms, like Rep. Lauren Boebert’s “Needle Nazies.”
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 12:32 last edited by
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 12:36 last edited by
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 12:41 last edited by Catseye3 8 Jun 2021, 12:42
Gee, thanks, Newsweek. From a formerly respectable news publication, I'd have expected something a little more useful and less clickbaity, but hey, times change, amirite?
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 12:41 last edited by
$10 says she's been vaccinated and won't admit it. 'Your question violates my HIPAA rights'. Riiiiggggghhhhht.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 12:42 last edited by
@jon-nyc said in Upping the Crazy:
Nah. I read what she actually said. She's quite right, especially back up in the hills and hollers, or down in the swamps.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 12:47 last edited by
She's absolutely correct. Put it back in context - if someone sent by government tries to get a person's personal information, it is just too "Big Brother". The sheep who are following the Left off the cliff will give them the information. Those people who aren't sheep will refuse. Keep pushing and you might get shot.
@jon-nyc said in Upping the Crazy:
Nah. I read what she actually said. She's quite right, especially back up in the hills and hollers, or down in the swamps.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 12:53 last edited by
She's absolutely correct. Put it back in context - if someone sent by government tries to get a person's personal information, it is just too "Big Brother". The sheep who are following the Left off the cliff will give them the information. Those people who aren't sheep will refuse. Keep pushing and you might get shot.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 13:49 last edited by@larry said in Upping the Crazy:
Put it back in context - if someone sent by government tries to get a person's personal information, it is just too "Big Brother".
That practice is sanctioned by the United States Constitution. It's called a census, a thing mandated by the Constitution to be done once every ten years.
@larry said in Upping the Crazy:
Put it back in context - if someone sent by government tries to get a person's personal information, it is just too "Big Brother".
That practice is sanctioned by the United States Constitution. It's called a census, a thing mandated by the Constitution to be done once every ten years.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 13:50 last edited by@axtremus said in Upping the Crazy:
@larry said in Upping the Crazy:
Put it back in context - if someone sent by government tries to get a person's personal information, it is just too "Big Brother".
That practice is sanctioned by the United States Constitution. It's called a census, a thing mandated by the Constitution to be done once every ten years.
And the folks she's talking about, don't answer those questions, either.
@axtremus said in Upping the Crazy:
@larry said in Upping the Crazy:
Put it back in context - if someone sent by government tries to get a person's personal information, it is just too "Big Brother".
That practice is sanctioned by the United States Constitution. It's called a census, a thing mandated by the Constitution to be done once every ten years.
And the folks she's talking about, don't answer those questions, either.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 13:52 last edited by Doctor Phibes 8 Jun 2021, 13:53@jolly said in Upping the Crazy:
@axtremus said in Upping the Crazy:
@larry said in Upping the Crazy:
Put it back in context - if someone sent by government tries to get a person's personal information, it is just too "Big Brother".
That practice is sanctioned by the United States Constitution. It's called a census, a thing mandated by the Constitution to be done once every ten years.
And the folks she's talking about, don't answer those questions, either.
Essentially, she's saying that the people who were crazy enough to vote for her are probably also crazy enough to shoot people who show up at their front door uninvited.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 13:55 last edited by
Not necessarily. But she does have some of those folks in her district. Lots of Scotch-Irish up there.
They wouldn't like you, either.😄
@jon-nyc said in Upping the Crazy:
Nah. I read what she actually said. She's quite right, especially back up in the hills and hollers, or down in the swamps.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 13:58 last edited by@jolly said in Upping the Crazy:
@jon-nyc said in Upping the Crazy:
Nah. I read what she actually said.
I notice that your willingness to do this is directly proportional to how red somebody is politically.
@larry said in Upping the Crazy:
Put it back in context - if someone sent by government tries to get a person's personal information, it is just too "Big Brother".
That practice is sanctioned by the United States Constitution. It's called a census, a thing mandated by the Constitution to be done once every ten years.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 14:00 last edited by@axtremus But Ax, that process has gotten completely gonzo out of control.
Two censi ago, I got the long form. Anybody who has never gotten the long form, prepare for a surprise. Many questions that are so beyond the feds' business that they're off into the stratosphere someplace.
Their explanation is some BS about how the information helps them distribute the largesse.
Right, uh-huh.
So I left all the intrusive questions blank and sent in my form with the legally required answers.
A couple of months later this little old guy in madras bermuda shorts and knobby knees and white golf shirt shows up at my door with his little clipboard, announcing himself as being 'here to help you complete your form' -- like I didn't fill it out completely because I was too stoopid.
I was truthful. I said the questions I didn't fill out were not the govt's business and so forth. He trots out the thing about apportionment. I said I didn't think the Founders had that in mind. He tried coming at it from other angles, gotta hand it to him, he took his job very seriously, but I hung tough and he went away defeated.
Oh yeah, another thing. The feds threaten non-responders with a $100 fine, and guess what? It has never been levied.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 14:00 last edited by
Nope. I read what she actually said. It's a very common viewpoint down here. I suspect it's also very prevalent in Appalachia.
Your bias is showing.
Nope. I read what she actually said. It's a very common viewpoint down here. I suspect it's also very prevalent in Appalachia.
Your bias is showing.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 14:07 last edited by@jolly said in Upping the Crazy:
I suspect it's also very prevalent in Appalachia.
Absolutely is. But I sure as shit don't look up to those people or consider them God's own. They're fucking assholes. Their neighbors, who have all the rusted out cars and machinery in their overgrown yard, but without the bullshit signs posted out front I have no problem with whatsoever.
Not necessarily. But she does have some of those folks in her district. Lots of Scotch-Irish up there.
They wouldn't like you, either.😄
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 14:31 last edited by@jolly said in Upping the Crazy:
Not necessarily. But she does have some of those folks in her district. Lots of Scotch-Irish up there.
They wouldn't like you, either.😄
And I've probably got as much Irish and Scots blood in my veins as most of them. I just don't go on about it all the time.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 17:10 last edited by
@axtremus said in Upping the Crazy:
@larry said in Upping the Crazy:
Put it back in context - if someone sent by government tries to get a person's personal information, it is just too "Big Brother".
That practice is sanctioned by the United States Constitution. It's called a census, a thing mandated by the Constitution to be done once every ten years.
And the practice of telling government to get the fuck out of my business is called FREEDOM, and is how we came to have our Constitution in the first place, Shit For Brains. And THAT'S to be done every day.
@jolly said in Upping the Crazy:
I suspect it's also very prevalent in Appalachia.
Absolutely is. But I sure as shit don't look up to those people or consider them God's own. They're fucking assholes. Their neighbors, who have all the rusted out cars and machinery in their overgrown yard, but without the bullshit signs posted out front I have no problem with whatsoever.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 18:24 last edited by@aqua-letifer said in Upping the Crazy:
@jolly said in Upping the Crazy:
I suspect it's also very prevalent in Appalachia.
Absolutely is. But I sure as shit don't look up to those people or consider them God's own. They're fucking assholes. Their neighbors, who have all the rusted out cars and machinery in their overgrown yard, but without the bullshit signs posted out front I have no problem with whatsoever.
Yeah, but they also tend to vote gasp! Democrat. Doesn't play into the red state matnra...