Your "feel good" twitter thread
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 11:56 last edited by
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 13:02 last edited by
It's a great read.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 13:14 last edited by
It is. I related to it because my mom used to take us to the bowling alley when she was in a league and we'd run around, looking at the ball cleaners and lockers and other amazing things and sounds at the alley. I still love that.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 13:30 last edited by
My cousin Mikey baby-sat me once. He lived in Seattle and didn't know my area at all, so he asked me what there was to do. I told him, well, there's a couple arcade games downtown. (I think there were literally two at what is now a Sheetz. Random.)
So we walked over, and when we got there, he got us some food and swapped out a whole twenty in quarters. I couldn't believe it. We played Golden Axe for easily four hours, it was awesome.
On another visit to my grandmother's when I was older, we all woke up to a note on my grandmother's kitchen table. "Gone North" was all it said. He hitchhiked up to Atlantic City (nearly 400 miles east), stayed for 3 days, won a pretty decent amount of money and hitchhiked back. He was like 24 or so at the time.
Mikey's a nurse now. His brother Ben is a lawyer and has always been about the most straight-laced guy you'd ever meet.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 14:36 last edited by
Sometimes I’ll leave a 20 on my passenger seat and leave the window rolled down. I hope the kids doing their rounds look back on it as an intentional gift they didn’t even have to break my window for, like they had to with all my neighbors.
wrote on 6 Aug 2021, 18:28 last edited by
Claymores. Come for the bang, stay for the broom.