The long-lived BUFF
Amazing. An airframe that flew 69 years ago, for the first time, is proposed to last another 30 years.
“When we built the B-52, it was supposed to be a high-altitude nuclear bomber, right? Going to the adversary,” said Gebara. “Then it became a low-altitude nuclear bomber. And then it became a high-altitude carpet bomber in Vietnam. And then it became a standoff cruise missile shooter in Desert Storm. And then it became a precision strike close air support platform in Afghanistan and Iraq. And now we’re going to make it the first hypersonic shooter in the American inventory,” Gebara concluded, referring to the integration testing underway to fit the B-52 with the AGM-183A Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon.
It's a big, flying truck.
Some of, if not the very first, shots fired in Desert Storm came from B-52s flying out of Shreveport. They loaded up the cruise missiles, took off and didn't land until they flew back to Shreveport.
BTW, if you're ever at Barksdale, mind the concrete bunker with the guards. They grow mushrooms in there, or so they say...
@jon-nyc which reminds me, I hope y’all have read/listened to the bomber mafia.