But of course the most ridiculous of them are concentrated on, because people enjoy ridiculing the other tribe. At best, it makes a political difference, if they can convince people that everybody on that side is equally ridiculous. CNN is still dominated by "look how the Trumpists on the right and all their craziness is destroying the country".
I thought Donald Trump was absolutely ridiculous, but clearly he's not an outlier. He became President.
Another great example. If there had been a soupcon of honor in the press about Donald Trump, he would never have made it off the elevator.
Maybe we're aiming our searchlight at the wrong party. Instead of kvetching at each other's tribe all the livelong damn day, as fun as that is, we should be holding the MSM's feet to the fire. Remind them that the screechers on the corner are NOT THEIR ONLY AUDIENCE.
People should be paying attention to their own congresscritters much moreso than other folks'. I suspect many people know more about AOC than their representatives.
Why oh why is it always the nimrods in our Congressional leadership who get the press?
Because "Rep. Smith Spends Reasonable Day at the Office" is the worst headline ever. "Rep. Smith Says Crazy Shit You Wouldn't Believe" is sure to bring in readers.
But I can't believe that quote-unquote journalists, or those who pass for journalists, are so universally wedded to that as an operating principle that they can never never never deviate from it. Why is that?
Keeping the lights on at a legacy publishing building located downtown is very expensive. Journalists already make basically shit in terms of a salary, and advert money has completely dried up. Revenue has never been lower, and competition has never been higher. They're struggling. This is no time to be educating the public; that's a luxury they literally can no longer afford.
@aqua-letifer So wallow in the muck to survive?
I get what you're saying. It is becoming frighteningly clear that the MSM's wallowing is itself the thing the country can't afford.
It's a bad circle. Read the shit, keep the press offices open and encouraged to write more shit, deepen the divide, bring ruin closer and closer -- because there is no way it will not go there.
But it doesn't make perfect sense. It's impossible to believe that there aren't journalists -- from like the old days -- who see this writing on the wall and who make an effort to write from a more truthful perspective. And I'm not talking about Congressman X Spends Reasonable Day at the Office. I'm talking about more depth, more like What's Really Going On.
But if that talent isn't there, then it isn't there. Maybe all we can do is refuse to read the shit.
Fat chance, eh?
But it doesn't make perfect sense. It's impossible to believe that there aren't journalists -- from like the old days -- who see this writing on the wall and who make an effort to write from a more truthful perspective. And I'm not talking about Congressman X Spends Reasonable Day at the Office. I'm talking about more depth, more like What's Really Going On.
I completely agree with you, but standing on principle is, unfortunately, worthless. Saying "people are stupid for caring more about the Kardashians" or "journalists should write more objective news" won't get you anywhere. The journalists aren't even the ones making these decisions, nor are their editors.
Attention is won through emotions, not good information. The frontal lobe can't compete with the older limbic system in this arena. If you really want things to change, then you've got to find a way to create a stronger emotional reaction to your idea of what a news story should be than BuzzFeed articles about pandas and the outrage of the day, Instagram remixes, viral TikTok videos, Facebook arguments, Etsy 50% deals, etc., etc.
Another great example. If there had been a soupcon of honor in the press about Donald Trump, he would never have made it off the elevator.
Maybe we're aiming our searchlight at the wrong party. Instead of kvetching at each other's tribe all the livelong damn day, as fun as that is, we should be holding the MSM's feet to the fire. Remind them that the screechers on the corner are NOT THEIR ONLY AUDIENCE.
We can't hold the media's feet to the fire because the number of idiots in this country has grown too large. These idiots aren't capable of telling the difference between the truth and a lie, and believe what they hear on the media all while claiming they dont. You can easily identify these idiots, because theyll say things like "if there had been a soupcan of honor in the press donald Trump would have never made it off the elevator". They will make stupid comments like that with a straight face, firmly convinced of their own ignorance, and apparently quite happy that way.
MTG. Extremely pro-Second Amendment, pro-life, supports law enforcement and a strong border. Pro-small business, introduced a bill to fire Fauci and another to impeach the Resident.
What's not to like?
MTG. Extremely pro-Second Amendment, pro-life, supports law enforcement and a strong border. Pro-small business, introduced a bill to fire Fauci and another to impeach the Resident.
What's not to like?
At least she loves the country. Thats more than you can say about most democrats.
Well, everybody can't be completely sane.