The Other Train Wreck
My BIL was driving a tractor across a train crossing last week and was hit. He was thrown 60 feet away from the crash. Amazingly, he had some bumps and bruises and spent the night in the hospital in observation, but overall he’s fine. Everybody is trying to figure out how he couldn’t hear and see a freight train coming. He has diabetes and his blood sugar tested very low at the hospital, but adrenaline and shock could easily have caused that. Still, that’s the theory everybody else is workin with. My own theory is that he’s a dumbass and I do have evidence to support that theory.
I’m sending him various editions of The Little Engine that Could.
I'll go with your theory.
If the gates were down, there's no excuse.
If it was an unprotected crossing, "Stop, Look, Listen." There's no excuse there.
- The train ALWAYS wins. Always.
- The train is closer than you think.
- The train is moving faster than you think.
- You were going to save 5 minutes, and it cost you a night in the hospital. Dumbassery.
Low blood glucose can make people highly unaware of their surroundings.
There's a guy near me who has multiple bee hives. He rents them out to farmers and he also has a decent honey business. One of the items he sells is a sealed straw, filled with honey. Low blood sugar? Bite the end of the straw off and squeeze down the honey...