Volokh on Social Media Censorship
And there is little reason to think that the platforms will enforce the rules in any generally politically neutral way, even setting aside the rules' express viewpoint-based prohibitions (e.g., on supposedly hateful viewpoints). It's only human nature for people to think the worst of their adversaries' views—including by labeling them hate speech or fake news or incitement—while giving their allies the benefit of the doubt.
It's likewise only human nature to view even factually defensible but incomplete positions as "distorting" history if they are inconsistent with one's ideology, but as unavoidable simplifications or legitimate judgment calls if they fit one's own views. Orson Welles, when he was married to Rita Hayworth, famously said, on hearing someone say Hayworth was sweating, "Horses sweat. People perspire. Miss Hayworth glows."[72] So it goes with ideas we love and ideas we don't.