Another example of plantation thinking
Target closed a 10 year old store in Baltimore because it wasn't profitable enough. Locals say they should not have done that because it was 'providing a public service'. If shrinkage was problem they should have 'hired more security or used technology to prevent theft'.
Such a one sided article.
Your whiteness is showing…
Seriously, though.. They opened in late 2015 and shuttered it 2 years later. Think about that for a few minutes. They ate 7 years of a 10 year lease that’s probably a couple of million on top of the $30 million buildout. To walk away in 30 months knowing that it would also be a public affairs nightmare gives you an idea of how bad it was.
I love parts of Baltimore, but have always suspected Batman’s Gotham City is based on that city.
@mik said in Another example of plantation thinking:
It said it opened in 2008, closed 10 years later.
Ah, I was skimming and the paragraph about the riots after Freddie Gray in 15 made it read like that was when it opened.
There is a Shoppers Food and Pharmacy right in the mall. I don’t know what they are talking about with respect to lack of access to drugs etc.
Just fuck off NYT when you can’t include the obvious.
I wonder if Target advertises in the Times?