99.2% of recent Covid deaths are unvaccinated people
GOP governors implored their residents on Sunday to get vaccinated against the coronavirus, as polling shows that vaccine hesitancy has been driven by Republicans and as the virus’s new, more contagious delta variant has caused recent upticks in covid-19 cases in areas with low vaccination rates.
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And again, while the Delta cases have been increasing dramatically for months, the hospitalizations and CFR rate has been dropping. The CFR on the Delta variant is at or below the common flu. As has been pointed out many times, this is typical behavior for these types of viruses.
And again, while the Delta cases have been increasing dramatically for months, the hospitalizations and CFR rate has been dropping. The CFR on the Delta variant is at or below the common flu. As has been pointed out many times, this is typical behavior for these types of viruses.
@lufins-dad said in 99.2% of recent Covid deaths are unvaccinated people:
And again, while the Delta cases have been increasing dramatically for months, the hospitalizations and CFR rate has been dropping. The CFR on the Delta variant is at or below the common flu. As has been pointed out many times, this is typical behavior for these types of viruses.
From your lips to god’s ears. I sincerely hope you are right and pray people aren’t making vaccination decisions based on what you typed. I think you might be a little behind on the latest info too.
And again, while the Delta cases have been increasing dramatically for months, the hospitalizations and CFR rate has been dropping. The CFR on the Delta variant is at or below the common flu. As has been pointed out many times, this is typical behavior for these types of viruses.
@lufins-dad said in 99.2% of recent Covid deaths are unvaccinated people:
CFR rate has been dropping.
And that's true in South Africa (which was mentioned earlier).
Cases rising, CFR falling.
CFR of various diseases:
You don't want to get rabies or spongiform encephalopathy.
George CFR in South Africa may be dropping but in a couple of days daily deaths will likely be the second highest for South Africa since the pandemic began. Cold comfort.
Second their CFR is much higher than the world average.
@loki said in 99.2% of recent Covid deaths are unvaccinated people:
n a couple of days daily deaths will likely be the second highest for South Africa since the pandemic began. Cold comfort.
As @bachophile said, a less-deadly virus which is more infectious is worse that a more deadly-virus that is less infectious, when viewed through the prism of the impact on a group.
@loki said in 99.2% of recent Covid deaths are unvaccinated people:
n a couple of days daily deaths will likely be the second highest for South Africa since the pandemic began. Cold comfort.
As @bachophile said, a less-deadly virus which is more infectious is worse that a more deadly-virus that is less infectious, when viewed through the prism of the impact on a group.
@george-k said in 99.2% of recent Covid deaths are unvaccinated people:
@loki said in 99.2% of recent Covid deaths are unvaccinated people:
n a couple of days daily deaths will likely be the second highest for South Africa since the pandemic began. Cold comfort.
As @bachophile said, a less-deadly virus which is more infectious is worse that a more deadly-virus that is less infectious, when viewed through the prism of the impact on a group.
Absolutely, but we are at a point where nearly 60% of the population is vaccinated, a much higher percentage of adults, and the less vaccinated younger folk are still at a much lower threat from the disease. The most dominant form of the disease is far more virulent than the original but is also far milder. Hospitalizations are lower, CFR is lower, and it seems like even long time effects such as those your daughter is suffering through are also far lower. I think it’s safe to start worrying more about the billions of unvaccinated in other countries a bit more than the minority here.
@george-k said in 99.2% of recent Covid deaths are unvaccinated people:
@loki said in 99.2% of recent Covid deaths are unvaccinated people:
n a couple of days daily deaths will likely be the second highest for South Africa since the pandemic began. Cold comfort.
As @bachophile said, a less-deadly virus which is more infectious is worse that a more deadly-virus that is less infectious, when viewed through the prism of the impact on a group.
Absolutely, but we are at a point where nearly 60% of the population is vaccinated, a much higher percentage of adults, and the less vaccinated younger folk are still at a much lower threat from the disease. The most dominant form of the disease is far more virulent than the original but is also far milder. Hospitalizations are lower, CFR is lower, and it seems like even long time effects such as those your daughter is suffering through are also far lower. I think it’s safe to start worrying more about the billions of unvaccinated in other countries a bit more than the minority here.
@lufins-dad said in 99.2% of recent Covid deaths are unvaccinated people:
The most dominant form of the disease is far more virulent than the original but is also far milder.
No, the most dominant is much less virulent. But much more infectious (as you say in the second part of your post).
Too much beer…
Too much beer…
@lufins-dad said in 99.2% of recent Covid deaths are unvaccinated people:
Too much beer…
There's absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Vaccines: everyone thinks differently and are free to conclude differently from you, or myself. They pose no threat to me, so live and let live.
Liberals: fucking libtard motherfuckers are a disease on modern society!
@aqua-letifer said in 99.2% of recent Covid deaths are unvaccinated people:
Vaccines: everyone thinks differently and are free to conclude differently from you, or myself. They pose no threat to me, so live and let live.
Liberals: fucking libtard motherfuckers are a disease on modern society!
Nobody said they pose no threat. But unless you'd like to go full Nazi, I don't see where you will achieve the vaccination rate you seek.
@loki said in 99.2% of recent Covid deaths are unvaccinated people:
@horace said in 99.2% of recent Covid deaths are unvaccinated people:
@loki said in 99.2% of recent Covid deaths are unvaccinated people:
I believe in this case respecting the choices of others is actually deadly and harmful to the nation’s best interests.
Other than emoting one's disgust for those who don't get vaccinated, what form should this disrespect take, in your opinion?
Combating the mistruths about the vaccines, educating people on the harm of a slow path to herd immunity, and pointing out when someone talks of a cardiac case or death of a vaccinated person that overwhelmingly more good than harm has come from the vaccine and the person making the point of the exceptional case may have an ulterior motive or talking out of lack of education.
Perhaps a discussion on freedom for the individual is wrapped in the common good.
We have now administered over 3 billion doses of vaccines around the world. This is not some study of 52 people that appears on social media every day about the wonders of….let’s say radishes.
Sounds good, more power to you. Just don't expect all that to change many minds.
Found out recently a 61-year-old acquaintance died from COVID mid-May. Not so old, unknown if she had any of the "factors" that make your odds worse, but I do know she was not vaccinated.
I am worried about my 83-year-old Dad, who remains unvaccinated and thinks he is too healthy to not withstand it.
Our next door neighbour isn't getting it, and she's in her 70's, with a number of health conditions. What can you say? She listens to a lot of stuff from people at her local church, which is more than a little out there IMHO. She's a very nice lady, but trusts the wrong people.
@doctor-phibes said in 99.2% of recent Covid deaths are unvaccinated people:
And they may be more fit than you.
Delta variant may be deadlier:
The Delta strain has a cluster of mutations, including one known as L452R, that helps it infect human cells more easily.
“This variant is even more transmissible than the UK (Alpha) variant, which was more transmissible than the version of the virus we were dealing with last year,” US Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy said.
In addition to increased transmissibility, “it may be associated with an increased disease severity, such as hospitalization risk,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
An analysis of 38,805 sequenced cases in England showed the Delta variant carried 2.61 times the risk of hospitalization within 14 days compared with the Alpha variant, when variables such as age, sex, ethnicity and vaccination status were taken into consideration.
Using the theory that the virus is going to become less dangerous as an excuse to not get vaccinated seems more than a bit daft.
We don't know what's going to happen 6 weeks from now, never mind 6 months or a year.
Sure, people have the right not to get vaccinated, but let's not defend them not doing so. It's a bloody stupid idea.