So About This Jan 6 Commission
Does anybody have any idea exactly what this Commission is going to do with its investigation? All I see are stories about how the vote is going; not seeing anything about the actual mechanics of it. (However, I gave up searching early. There's a limit to how much of this shite I can stand.)
I mean, what is there to investigate? And if they do find something, what then? Especially since one prevailing theory is that Trump made them do it? Whoa, if they concluded that, wouldn't that be a kick in the head???
I figure they'll uncover that a bunch of ol' boys wuz settin around knockin back the suds, bitchin about the goddamn govmint, and one of them sez, hey, I know what, let's head on up there 'n show them jagoff turdburners how REAL men . . . um, do whatever it is we're fixin to do.
Why do I get the impression this is the equivalent of that embarrassing display the Dems put on, with the scarves and all?
Hello @Catseye3, this is the actually bill that the House passed to create the Jan.6 Commission: 6 Commission text.pdf
Quoting from that bill:
7 Consistent with the functions described in section 4,
8 the purposes of the Commission are the following:9 (1) To investigate and report upon the facts
10 and causes relating to the January 6, 2021, domes-
11 tic terrorist attack upon the United States Capitol
12 Complex (hereafter referred to as the ‘‘domestic ter-
13 rorist attack on the Capitol’’) and relating to the in-
14 terference with the peaceful transfer of power, in-
15 cluding facts and causes relating to the preparedness
16 and response of the United States Capitol Police and
17 other Federal, State, and local law enforcement in
18 the National Capitol Region and other instrumen-
19 tality of government, as well as the influencing fac-
20 tors that fomented such attack on American rep-
21 resentative democracy while engaged in a constitu-
22 tional process.23 (2) To examine and evaluate evidence developed
24 by relevant Federal, State, and local governmental
25 agencies, in a manner that is respectful of ongoing
26 law enforcement activities and investigations regard-
1 ing the domestic terrorist attack upon the Capitol,
2 regarding the facts and circumstances surrounding
3 such terrorist attack and targeted violence and do-
4 mestic terrorism relevant to such terrorist attack.5 (3) To build upon the investigations of other
6 entities and avoid unnecessary duplication by review-
7 ing the findings, conclusions, and recommendations
8 of other executive branch, congressional, or inde-
9 pendent bipartisan or non-partisan commission in-
10 vestigations into the domestic terrorist attack on the
11 Capitol and targeted violence and domestic terrorism
12 relevant to such terrorist attack, including investiga-
13 tions into influencing factors related to such ter-
14 rorist attack.15 (4) To investigate and report to the President
16 and Congress on its findings, conclusions, and rec-
17 ommendations for corrective measures that may in-
18 clude changes in law, policy, procedures, rules, or
19 regulations that could be taken to prevent future
20 acts of targeted violence and domestic terrorism, in-
21 cluding to prevent domestic terrorist attacks against
22 American democratic institutions, improve the secu-
23 rity posture of the United States Capitol Complex
24 while preserving accessibility of the Capitol Complex
25 for all Americans, and strengthen the security and
1 resilience of the nation and American democratic in-
2 stitutions against domestic terrorism.Ignore the leading number in each line, they are just line numbers included in the PDF document. It's probably easier to just read the PDF document linked above.
Domestic terrorism?
Oh. My. Giddy. Aunt.
Hello @Catseye3, this is the actually bill that the House passed to create the Jan.6 Commission: 6 Commission text.pdf
Quoting from that bill:
7 Consistent with the functions described in section 4,
8 the purposes of the Commission are the following:9 (1) To investigate and report upon the facts
10 and causes relating to the January 6, 2021, domes-
11 tic terrorist attack upon the United States Capitol
12 Complex (hereafter referred to as the ‘‘domestic ter-
13 rorist attack on the Capitol’’) and relating to the in-
14 terference with the peaceful transfer of power, in-
15 cluding facts and causes relating to the preparedness
16 and response of the United States Capitol Police and
17 other Federal, State, and local law enforcement in
18 the National Capitol Region and other instrumen-
19 tality of government, as well as the influencing fac-
20 tors that fomented such attack on American rep-
21 resentative democracy while engaged in a constitu-
22 tional process.23 (2) To examine and evaluate evidence developed
24 by relevant Federal, State, and local governmental
25 agencies, in a manner that is respectful of ongoing
26 law enforcement activities and investigations regard-
1 ing the domestic terrorist attack upon the Capitol,
2 regarding the facts and circumstances surrounding
3 such terrorist attack and targeted violence and do-
4 mestic terrorism relevant to such terrorist attack.5 (3) To build upon the investigations of other
6 entities and avoid unnecessary duplication by review-
7 ing the findings, conclusions, and recommendations
8 of other executive branch, congressional, or inde-
9 pendent bipartisan or non-partisan commission in-
10 vestigations into the domestic terrorist attack on the
11 Capitol and targeted violence and domestic terrorism
12 relevant to such terrorist attack, including investiga-
13 tions into influencing factors related to such ter-
14 rorist attack.15 (4) To investigate and report to the President
16 and Congress on its findings, conclusions, and rec-
17 ommendations for corrective measures that may in-
18 clude changes in law, policy, procedures, rules, or
19 regulations that could be taken to prevent future
20 acts of targeted violence and domestic terrorism, in-
21 cluding to prevent domestic terrorist attacks against
22 American democratic institutions, improve the secu-
23 rity posture of the United States Capitol Complex
24 while preserving accessibility of the Capitol Complex
25 for all Americans, and strengthen the security and
1 resilience of the nation and American democratic in-
2 stitutions against domestic terrorism.Ignore the leading number in each line, they are just line numbers included in the PDF document. It's probably easier to just read the PDF document linked above.
@axtremus said in So About This Jan 6 Commission:
To investigate and report to the President
16 and Congress on its findings, conclusions, and rec-
17 ommendations for corrective measures that may in-
18 clude changes in law, policy, procedures, rules, or
19 regulations that could be taken to prevent future
20 actsYeah yeah yeah, I get all that, Ax. But what will they do? Interrogate the neighbors? Raid their woodsheds?
Maybe this all has to do with figuring out what to charge the miscreants with -- though it seems like they already have that.
Maybe the thing is a design to placate the folks back home who are clamoring, in their usual informed fashion, for Congress to DO SOMETHING!!! So they launch this looonnng thing that they hope the populace, in their usual way, will forget all about it, and the thing will die the death.
Yet no commission on BLM/Antifa violence?
Any average idiot knows what was behind January 6. It's just not that difficult. The picture behind BLM/Antifa is a whole lot murkier.
Yet no commission on BLM/Antifa violence?
Any average idiot knows what was behind January 6. It's just not that difficult. The picture behind BLM/Antifa is a whole lot murkier.
Seems a bit like a waste. To me, they will study, spend lots of money, and write a many page report, with the summary like below:
"Although it was not organized by any one group, it was found that all the people were united by a common belief that the election was not legal.
Although not directly asked to, the words of President Trump must take some responsibility as they were taken as encouragement by the crowd to go inside the US Capital.
The "mob mentality" caused the crowd to do things they would not have done as individuals, and resulted in a direct attack on the US integrity and democracy."
The End
@loki said in So About This Jan 6 Commission:
So, what will the senate do?
The Dems are clinging to this politically, hoping their allies in the media will cover for them enough to stave off a bloodbath in 2022. But...Latest polls show Trump leading Harris, head-to-head. (How's that, for waaay too early?
If this doesn't take Trump out of the picture, they do run the risk of making a martyr out of him. Even with drugs, I can't see Biden making 2024. If the economy gets some significant inflation, things could be very interesting in '24, from the Oval Office to the make-up of Congress.