The Tragedy of Heterosexuality
Jane Ward, Sexuality Studies Professor at the University of California-Riverside, was recently featured in an Insider article in which she stated, "It really looks like straight men and women don't like each other very much, that women spend so much time complaining about men, and we still have so much evidence of misogyny. From an LGBT perspective, [being straight] looks actually very tragic."
The article, titled “Why heterosexual relationships are so bad for us, according to a sex researcher,” cites an increase in relationship problems among straight couples since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown -- but says nothing of homosexual couples. Being straight is “very tragic,” and “so bad for us?” That doesn’t seem very welcoming, reassuring and inclusive. In fact, it seems judgmental and intolerant. Condescending. A macroaggression.
Ward also said, "I think in some ways the pandemic is revealing the tragedy of heterosexuality to people who might not have otherwise paid attention to it.” Well, it’s hard to keep track of all the tragedies happening lately. I wonder where The Tragedy of Heterosexuality ranks in comparison to other tragedies such as The Worldwide Pandemic, massive unemployment, the skyrocketing crime and suicide rates, the opioid crisis, terrorism, societal loss of purpose and confidence, etc., etc.?...
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