In Cheddarland
In rural Walworth County, a small team created a homemade, 40,000-pound statue that includes an extra-large Ronald McDonald's Officer Big Mac head.
"That’s the Tin Man. Officially, I would call him the Tin Man," Robert Stewart said.
That statue stands tall in Robert Stewart's home near Lake Geneva. In fact, it can be seen from about a mile away. It took him and his friend Shane Pope two years to make it.
The statue was built primarily out of scrap metal that Robert was able to collect, which includes the legs, the arms, and body of the statue. The torso is an old water tank that was used in the Pabst Brewery. However, the most iconic piece of the statue might be its Officer Big Mac head. That's where the inspiration for the Tin Man started.
Officer Big Mac was a popular figure in McDonald's commercials in the 1970s. The head came from an old play jailhouse that would have been at a McDonald's franchise.
Then Robert decided to play up the Officer Big Mac persona by giving the Tin Man a sheriff's badge.
“Start to finish, we spent two years welding on him on the ground. We actually built him laying on his back.”