The Meeting
It strikes me today that Grant was more gracious to Lee and his soldiers after a bloody war than many wish to be toward those who don't wat a vaccine.
Grant was more gracious to Lee and the confederates after a bloody war than the wokes wish to be toward Lee and the confederates now.
@copper said in The Meeting:
Grant was more gracious to Lee and the confederates after a bloody war than the wokes wish to be toward Lee and the confederates now.
Yeah, but he was a cigar-chomping alcoholic who became among the most corrupt of politicians, if you believe the popular image.
@copper said in The Meeting:
Didn't they show some of his crooked side in the Hell on Wheels TV show?
Well, in that case...
But sadly the other weaknesses of his Presidency—corruption, policy mistakes, and a lack of political deftness weakened the Republican party in general and his faction of it in particular, leading to the contested election of 1876 and the pulling out of federal troops in the deal that gave the Presidency to Republican Rutherford B. Hayes. Chernow is correct that Grant was not personally corrupt, but his appointments of corrupt individuals, including even his own chief of staff, created a stench emanating from his administration that wafted out to voters.
Neat story of history.