I was stuck on a chairlift once. It completely shut down. My buddy and I were in the absolute highest location on the lift, too; many, many stories up. After being up there for 2-3 hours, they shot a baseball out of a cannon that was attached to a string, that was attached to a rope, which had this chair-thing on it. Basically it looked like a piece of plywood attached to a crowbar. We had to position it underneath ourselves and use the lift cable as the pulley. No help, they couldn't get anyone up there. I remember thinking that if this thing broke, or I slipped off, or didn't do it right, whatever, I really doubted I'd survive the fall.
Yikes! -
@aqua-letifer oh, man!
@aqua-letifer hold crap!
They waited THAT long to do something?
They waited THAT long to do something?
No, apparently they kept trying all kinds of stuff, and they were getting other people off as well. We were by far the hardest to deal with, though.
@aqua-letifer said in Danglin':
They waited THAT long to do something?
No, apparently they kept trying all kinds of stuff, and they were getting other people off as well.
- We were by far the hardest to deal with, though. *
Just wanted to note this for future reference.