What behaviors will you change and when?
Already fully vaccinated people are welcome inside our home at their choice. Two weeks after the first shot I will feel like I am largely safe and will engage in distancing as needed to respect other people as they desire.
Family vacation this summer will not consider COVID as a variable, except I would be aware of any hassles in another country so likely a no go as clarity will be too late.
Going to see a band indoors at a venue is an interesting question. Have to wait and see. Hanging with people who have not socially distanced but have been vaccinated will not be an issue for me.
I think I swore off the gym forever, but only because my new options actually work better.
@loki said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
Two weeks after the first shot I will feel like I am largely safe and will engage in distancing as needed to respect other people as they desire.
That's me with masks. I'll wear them as long as I'm likely to be around people who wish to be vaccinated but can't yet. Once we get to the point where someone's lack of immunity is on them, I'm not going to wear a mask.
I’m just waiting for things to open back up. Life is normal for me otherwise, just with a mask and maintaining appropriate distance.
I’ve started shaking hands again with people that are vaccinated and wish to.
@lufins-dad said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
Life is normal for me otherwise
Are you guys going to get vaccinated?
@loki said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
Two weeks after the first shot I will feel like I am largely safe and will engage in distancing as needed to respect other people as they desire.
That's me with masks. I'll wear them as long as I'm likely to be around people who wish to be vaccinated but can't yet. Once we get to the point where someone's lack of immunity is on them, I'm not going to wear a mask.
@jon-nyc said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
@loki said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
Two weeks after the first shot I will feel like I am largely safe and will engage in distancing as needed to respect other people as they desire.
That's me with masks. I'll wear them as long as I'm likely to be around people who wish to be vaccinated but can't yet. Once we get to the point where someone's lack of immunity is on them, I'm not going to wear a mask.
Same here. I know too many people who out right refuse to get the vaccine because of conspiracy theories. I don't get it.
We haven’t lived quite the same as others have, since we both got COVID early on (yes, I never tested positive, but we knew I had it, since I did not leave the house or see another person in the 14 days between when Steve came down with symptoms and i came down with symptoms). So I wear a mask whenever I go into a public building, and always wash my hands when I get home, but I don’t wear a mask out at the barn. (They are sadly not careful out there, and several people have gotten Covid, and one is still dealing with issues from it - but luckily not either barn owner - both are in their 70’s and one is a cancer survivor)
ANYWAY - Steve went back to work in person late spring, and fall semester had in person classes (with social distancing/mask/limited numbers in each room) at this University (though some people were allowed to teach online with health issues) - so Steve was around the same group of others (masked) every day. Most of their meetings are still zoom, but he was in his office, and still met in person with some people. We don’t go out hardly at all, but have gone to several small dinners with the people Steve works closely with (because he is around them at work).But recently I’ve been a little more careful, because who knows how long immunity lasts. I had antibodies in October, and I’m going to do our health screening again in April to see if they are still there - I can’t imagine I’ll get the vaccine before then - probably June. I’ve been getting my hair done since the summer, (my stylist also had covid) - though she just moved salons, to a bigger space, and even though our county still has a mask mandate in place the new @sshat governor took the mandate off for Montana, so a bunch of people were not wearing masks the last time I was there - I was not happy, and will probably find another small salon that is following our health department rules. (Effing Montana, now students can bring guns into college classrooms, and they are working on making it so your kids don’t have to be vaccinated to go to school).
This is the first (knock on wood) winter in a long while that I have NOT come down with some sort of cold - the last two years were bad ones - with a fever (I always get a flu shot) - so I just may continue the mask wearing in the winter when I’m at the grocery store, and also on airplanes and public transportation - because it was nice not to be sick over the holidays.
I’ve been paying for the YMCA since last year, but have not gone back - I will start going back after we are vaccinated.
My main behaviour change will be to stop getting pissed off at all my British friends who are getting vaccinated this week, and boasting about it.
Masks in public for awhile, plus hiking again on "dangerous" trails (for me I define those as singletrack trails where you can't step off to the side, and/or those that have bottlenecks). D&D in person again. Probably traveling (driving) a lot to see people.
@lufins-dad said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
Life is normal for me otherwise
Are you guys going to get vaccinated?
@jon-nyc said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
@lufins-dad said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
Life is normal for me otherwise
Are you guys going to get vaccinated?
Yeah, I’ll likely get the J&J. M&M’s is a little too hesitant and likely won’t get it till next year.
@jon-nyc said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
@lufins-dad said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
Life is normal for me otherwise
Are you guys going to get vaccinated?
Yeah, I’ll likely get the J&J. M&M’s is a little too hesitant and likely won’t get it till next year.
@lufins-dad said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
Yeah, I’ll likely get the J&J
I dunno, group 2 is coming up in our area and you'd qualify; you'll probably be eligible quite a bit before J&J becomes commonplace.
@lufins-dad said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
Yeah, I’ll likely get the J&J
I dunno, group 2 is coming up in our area and you'd qualify; you'll probably be eligible quite a bit before J&J becomes commonplace.
@aqua-letifer said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
@lufins-dad said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
Yeah, I’ll likely get the J&J
I dunno, group 2 is coming up in our area and you'd qualify; you'll probably be eligible quite a bit before J&J becomes commonplace.
The VDH site is very helpful
@aqua-letifer said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
@lufins-dad said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
Yeah, I’ll likely get the J&J
I dunno, group 2 is coming up in our area and you'd qualify; you'll probably be eligible quite a bit before J&J becomes commonplace.
The VDH site is very helpful
@lufins-dad said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
That's ridiculous.
I called the hotline in MD.
- Asthmatics are qualified to be in group 2
- VA, MD and DC have reciprocity. So that means you're in there, too.
My asthma is so far in the past that I’d rather the spot went to someone a little more at risk.
If anything, my weight would be the bigger problem and I’m hoping to be well on my way to bringing that into safer limits before I am eligible for the vaccine.
My asthma is so far in the past that I’d rather the spot went to someone a little more at risk.
If anything, my weight would be the bigger problem and I’m hoping to be well on my way to bringing that into safer limits before I am eligible for the vaccine.
@lufins-dad said in What behaviors will you change and when?:
My asthma is so far in the past that I’d rather the spot went to someone a little more at risk.
Everything I've been hearing suggests very strongly to me that your not getting in line will do absolutely nothing to ensure that.
Yesterday a legit survey found that 35% report they either are unlikely or won’t get the vaccine.
I think changing behavior will involve some form of vaccine passport.
In my mind after a year of super saturation if you aren’t convinced by now no amount of public health education is going to make a difference and behavior modification in terms of limiting what you can do... I.e. get on a plane, fly internationally, maybe stay at a resort, get on a cruise ship... is the way to go.
100% efficacy against severe cases cases and death. Be happy with your vaccine and let those that choose not to get theirs risk their own lives. I would suggest that insurance premiums be adjusted accordingly. I also think that you could have a varying mask mandate. Maybe allow people vaccinated 45 days to go maskless...