Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?
@doctor-phibes said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
@jolly said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
@doctor-phibes said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
@jolly said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
And no, the behind-the-sofa comment was pure silliness. Few Presidents in the last 100 years have sustained a political fight like Trump has. Maybe no President since Andrew Johnson or Grant has sustained such unrelenting bad press...Not even Nixon or Hoover.
So why didn't he join the march as he said he would do - you think maybe his bone spurs were playing up?
And that's a red herring. Hoe does whether he was there or not, factor into sonebody else turning violent?
I didn't say it had anything to do with the violence. What it did have was an illumination on his character. He told the crowd he was joining them. Then he went home. He stirred up all the anger amongst the gullible folks there who believed in him, then he fucked off home to watch it on TV and Tweet his usual self-congratulatory bullshit.
Jolly likes Trump's administrative decisions. Therefore, either Jolly thinks Trump is a good guy who must always be defended, or Jolly thinks it doesn't matter that Trump's a bad guy and will defend him anyway.
@aqua-letifer said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
@doctor-phibes said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
@jolly said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
@doctor-phibes said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
@jolly said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
And no, the behind-the-sofa comment was pure silliness. Few Presidents in the last 100 years have sustained a political fight like Trump has. Maybe no President since Andrew Johnson or Grant has sustained such unrelenting bad press...Not even Nixon or Hoover.
So why didn't he join the march as he said he would do - you think maybe his bone spurs were playing up?
And that's a red herring. Hoe does whether he was there or not, factor into sonebody else turning violent?
I didn't say it had anything to do with the violence. What it did have was an illumination on his character. He told the crowd he was joining them. Then he went home. He stirred up all the anger amongst the gullible folks there who believed in him, then he fucked off home to watch it on TV and Tweet his usual self-congratulatory bullshit.
Jolly likes Trump's administrative decisions. Therefore, either Jolly thinks Trump is a good guy who must always be defended, or Jolly thinks it doesn't matter that Trump's a bad guy and will defend him anyway.
I think all politicians are bad guys, or they wouldn't be in the biz. I like the majority of Trump's policies. I really like a lot of his judicial appointments.
IOW - Sure, he's a cunt. But he's our cunt.
IOW - Sure, he's a cunt. But he's our cunt.
@doctor-phibes said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
IOW - Sure, he's a cunt. But he's our cunt.
well, you don't vote for anybody. Your position is secure.
I'd vote if they let me.
I'd vote if they let me.
@doctor-phibes said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
I'd vote if they let me.
You can vote by saying something positive about some politician. That's what a vote is.
@doctor-phibes said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
I'd vote if they let me.
You can vote by saying something positive about some politician. That's what a vote is.
@horace said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
@doctor-phibes said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
I'd vote if they let me.
You can vote by saying something positive about some politician. That's what a vote is.
No, that's not a vote.
I disliked Joe Biden a lot less than I disliked Donald Trump. I'd have voted for Biden in the last election in a flash, and I'd have voted for Hillary in the one before that. Doesn't mean I have to think they're any good.
...and I did say positive things about Mike Pence. I still wouldn't vote for him.
I know quite a few people who voted for Trump in Massachusetts. I'm pretty good friends with a couple of them.
It strikes me that Americans go on about there being a threat to the end of the Republic every election. Obviously, the Trump thing was a lot more hysterical than normal, but people right here said Obama was going to bring about the end of the world as we know it.
I know quite a few people who voted for Trump in Massachusetts. I'm pretty good friends with a couple of them.
It strikes me that Americans go on about there being a threat to the end of the Republic every election. Obviously, the Trump thing was a lot more hysterical than normal, but people right here said Obama was going to bring about the end of the world as we know it.
@doctor-phibes said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
I know quite a few people who voted for Trump in Massachusetts. I'm pretty good friends with a couple of them.
It strikes me that Americans go on about there being a threat to the end of the Republic every election. Obviously, the Trump thing was a lot more hysterical than normal, but people right here said Obama was going to bring about the end of the world as we know it.
Larry said that. I don't think anybody else did.
People elsewhere did, too.
I know that nobody with an ounce of common sense takes Ann Coulter seriously, but she said Obama was an existential threat, and a lot of people clearly buy into her drivel or she'd have had to get a real job.
@horace said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
She ended up not liking Trump. Apparently not a Trumpist.
The world isn't actually divided into Trump supporters and detractors. Lots of people who voted for him only did so because they disliked him less than Biden/Hillary, and the same goes for Hillary/Biden voters.
The idea that you can't think both candidates are shit doesn't make any sense.
As far as Coulter goes, I think she's mostly interested in getting publicity and selling her dreadful books.
@horace said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
She ended up not liking Trump. Apparently not a Trumpist.
The world isn't actually divided into Trump supporters and detractors. Lots of people who voted for him only did so because they disliked him less than Biden/Hillary, and the same goes for Hillary/Biden voters.
The idea that you can't think both candidates are shit doesn't make any sense.
As far as Coulter goes, I think she's mostly interested in getting publicity and selling her dreadful books.
@doctor-phibes said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
@horace said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
She ended up not liking Trump. Apparently not a Trumpist.
The world isn't actually divided into Trump supporters and detractors. Lots of people who voted for him only did so because they disliked him less than Biden/Hillary, and the same goes for Hillary/Biden voters.
The idea that you can't think both candidates are shit doesn't make any sense.
As far as Coulter goes, I think she's mostly interested in getting publicity and selling her dreadful books.
So the Trump cult is not very powerful, if she opposed him, as a previous supporter, and still was able to sell books.
I heard her interviewed on the Derek Hunter podcast about a year ago, she is earnest and not a terrible person.
@horace said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
She ended up not liking Trump. Apparently not a Trumpist.
The world isn't actually divided into Trump supporters and detractors. Lots of people who voted for him only did so because they disliked him less than Biden/Hillary, and the same goes for Hillary/Biden voters.
The idea that you can't think both candidates are shit doesn't make any sense.
As far as Coulter goes, I think she's mostly interested in getting publicity and selling her dreadful books.
@doctor-phibes said in Worst attack on the Capital since 1812?:
The world isn't actually divided into Trump supporters and detractors.
Don't let anyone else hear you say that Trump is not a global phenomenon. His whole schtick is based on being a more global than even George Soros.