Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
After Capitol riot, police chiefs work to root out officers with ties to extremist groups
National Sheriffs’ Association President David Mahoney said many police leaders have treated officers with extremist beliefs as outliers and have underestimated the damage they can inflict on the profession and the nation.
“We saw the anti-government, anti-equality and racist comments coming out during the Obama administration. Shame on us for representing it as freedom of speech and for not recognizing it was chiseling away at our democracy,” Mahoney said in an interview. “As we move forward, we need to make sure we are teaching our current staff members that they must have the courage to speak out when they know about another deputy’s or officer’s involvement. There should be no reference to the thin blue line.” -
**Seeking to combat extremists in ranks, the military struggles to answer a basic question: How many are there? **
“The Jan. 6 events at the Capitol, ... Among the 190 people charged in the siege, at least 30 are veterans. Three are reservists or National Guard members.”