Would you go to the appointment?
I'd definitely go.
This year, I've skipped going to the dentist, but I generally don't need any work anyway - the British are renowned for their immaculate teeth.
I had my eyes tested a few weeks ago - nothing remotely as serious as you have, but I don't want my eyes to get any worse, and figured it was worth the risk. I'd definitely go if I had other stuff going on with them.
The thing is, the way they conduct the tests, if the doc is infected, that means I'm getting infected. There's just no way around that.
The situation couldn't be more dangerous unless we freaking made out right there in the exam room.So the safety aspect freaks me out.
Do you get a good feeling for the level of precaution they're taking?
When I went for the eye test, they'd clearly got everything pretty buttoned down.
Do you get a good feeling for the level of precaution they're taking?
When I went for the eye test, they'd clearly got everything pretty buttoned down.
@doctor-phibes said in Would you go to the appointment?:
Do you get a good feeling for the level of precaution they're taking?
When I went for the eye test, they'd clearly got everything pretty buttoned down.
Well, everyone inside the place wears N95s, and they take my temperature right when I walk in. Also, they're cool about me waiting in the car until it's my turn to go in. I was able to update my insurance information online.
But it's the other patients. No one and I mean no one is my age there. The last time I went, they weren't exactly the safest folks. Taking their masks down when waiting to get dilated, etc.
@Aqua-Letifer I assume you have risk factors that make COVID-19 more deadly to you than to the general population. Not knowing what those risk factors are I won't try to dispense advise one way or another.
I will just share that, for me own eye exams that took place late last year, I observed that my ophthalmologist's office did take very comprehensive precautionary measures to minimize the risk of COVID-19 infections. Occupancy control, social distancing, surface disinfecting, minimizing person-to-person contact, multiple layers of face masks, etc. Maybe call ahead to ask about your ophthalmologist's precautionary measures to see if that helps you better assess the risk?
Good luck.
@jon-nyc said in Would you go to the appointment?:
When did you last go?
7 months ago. By the loose schedule they gave me, I'm technically a month behind. But like I said, before COVID, they were playing around with the idea of me only showing up once a year. So I dunno.
@Aqua-Letifer I assume you have risk factors that make COVID-19 more deadly to you than to the general population. Not knowing what those risk factors are I won't try to dispense advise one way or another.
I will just share that, for me own eye exams that took place late last year, I observed that my ophthalmologist's office did take very comprehensive precautionary measures to minimize the risk of COVID-19 infections. Occupancy control, social distancing, surface disinfecting, minimizing person-to-person contact, multiple layers of face masks, etc. Maybe call ahead to ask about your ophthalmologist's precautionary measures to see if that helps you better assess the risk?
Good luck.
@axtremus said in Would you go to the appointment?:
@Aqua-Letifer I assume you have risk factors that make COVID-19 more deadly to you than to the general population. Not knowing what those risk factors are I won't try to dispense advise one way or another.
I don't know if I do. I'm still trying to figure that out. The only thing I can conclude at this point is that I probably do.
Maybe call ahead to ask about your ophthalmologist's precautionary measures to see if that helps you better assess the risk?
I'm thinking of calling ahead and asking if the appointment is even necessary. But I'm worried about them saying "no it isn't" simply because I haven't had any issues. But that's not the point of the exams.
The other thing is, my original doctor is out on maternity leave, and so I'm now dealing with a new guy. He might not take the decision as seriously as it is.
Easy binary choice.
1.Take a chance on getting COVID.
2. Take a chance on going blind.I've had COVID. I'd rather not be blind.
@axtremus said in Would you go to the appointment?:
@Aqua-Letifer I assume you have risk factors that make COVID-19 more deadly to you than to the general population. Not knowing what those risk factors are I won't try to dispense advise one way or another.
I don't know if I do. I'm still trying to figure that out. The only thing I can conclude at this point is that I probably do.
Maybe call ahead to ask about your ophthalmologist's precautionary measures to see if that helps you better assess the risk?
I'm thinking of calling ahead and asking if the appointment is even necessary. But I'm worried about them saying "no it isn't" simply because I haven't had any issues. But that's not the point of the exams.
The other thing is, my original doctor is out on maternity leave, and so I'm now dealing with a new guy. He might not take the decision as seriously as it is.
@aqua-letifer said in Would you go to the appointment?:
The other thing is, my original doctor is out on maternity leave, and so I'm now dealing with a new guy. He might not take the decision as seriously as it is.
Since you're still in a precautionary stage of these visits, what risk does the new guy present at this point? If he knows how to perform the exam and he has reviewed your record, how does the risk that he muffs it stack up against the consequences of skipping the appointment?
Are you sure you're not borrowing trouble here?
I agree with Ax; it's imperative that you learn as much as possible about the clinic's COVID precautions. That alone may set your mind at rest.
Be up front about your worry. This is no time for badass.
The case count in MD is going down pretty quickly. I'd make an appointment for sometime around March 1st and confirm you're comfortable right before.
My guess is you'll be near a local minimum in cases, before the new strains really make their presence felt.
If it's the other patients you're worried about, waiting in the car and staying well away from them when you walk in should be sufficient.
If it's the new doctor, maybe you could ask if the office has been vaccinated.
Do you have access to N95 masks?
I agree with Jolly. Covid is better than blindness. I would stick with the every 6 months routine not matter what the office recommends.
@aqua-letifer said in Would you go to the appointment?:
The other thing is, my original doctor is out on maternity leave, and so I'm now dealing with a new guy. He might not take the decision as seriously as it is.
Since you're still in a precautionary stage of these visits, what risk does the new guy present at this point? If he knows how to perform the exam and he has reviewed your record, how does the risk that he muffs it stack up against the consequences of skipping the appointment?
Are you sure you're not borrowing trouble here?
I agree with Ax; it's imperative that you learn as much as possible about the clinic's COVID precautions. That alone may set your mind at rest.
Be up front about your worry. This is no time for badass.
@catseye3 said in Would you go to the appointment?:
Since you're still in a precautionary stage of these visits, what risk does the new guy present at this point? If he knows how to perform the exam and he has reviewed your record, how does the risk that he muffs it stack up against the consequences of skipping the appointment?
I'm not worried about him giving me an exam, I'm worried about his understanding of how important going in right now might be. He might not think it's important simply because he doesn't fully understand what the exams do for me. This is a very weird disease and I guarantee you I'm the only patient of this kind for the entire practice. There's also a good chance that they'll never have another patient in the history of their practice that has what I have. That's how rare this is.
And I'm not too worried about them being unsafe there. They're literally doing their best. But the nature of the exams are such that there's still going to be a significant risk, and there's nothing I can do about that.
If it's the other patients you're worried about, waiting in the car and staying well away from them when you walk in should be sufficient.
If it's the new doctor, maybe you could ask if the office has been vaccinated.
Do you have access to N95 masks?
I agree with Jolly. Covid is better than blindness. I would stick with the every 6 months routine not matter what the office recommends.
@friday said in Would you go to the appointment?:
If it's the new doctor, maybe you could ask if the office has been vaccinated.
That's an awesome idea, thanks! I'll ask today.
@catseye3 said in Would you go to the appointment?:
Since you're still in a precautionary stage of these visits, what risk does the new guy present at this point? If he knows how to perform the exam and he has reviewed your record, how does the risk that he muffs it stack up against the consequences of skipping the appointment?
I'm not worried about him giving me an exam, I'm worried about his understanding of how important going in right now might be. He might not think it's important simply because he doesn't fully understand what the exams do for me. This is a very weird disease and I guarantee you I'm the only patient of this kind for the entire practice. There's also a good chance that they'll never have another patient in the history of their practice that has what I have. That's how rare this is.
And I'm not too worried about them being unsafe there. They're literally doing their best. But the nature of the exams are such that there's still going to be a significant risk, and there's nothing I can do about that.
@aqua-letifer said in Would you go to the appointment?:
I'm not worried about him giving me an exam, I'm worried about his understanding of how important going in right now might be.
Sorry; I didn't understand that rightly.
It might be that he can't make that call, if the visits now are better-safe-than-sorry and the COVID is a crapshoot.
I like Friday's advice. Get all the information you can, and then make your decision, and then do the best you can. I'm thinking there is no way you are going to make this stress free.
@aqua-letifer said in Would you go to the appointment?:
I'm not worried about him giving me an exam, I'm worried about his understanding of how important going in right now might be.
Sorry; I didn't understand that rightly.
It might be that he can't make that call, if the visits now are better-safe-than-sorry and the COVID is a crapshoot.
I like Friday's advice. Get all the information you can, and then make your decision, and then do the best you can. I'm thinking there is no way you are going to make this stress free.
@catseye3 said in Would you go to the appointment?:
I like Friday's advice. Get all the information you can, and then make your decision, and then do the best you can. I'm thinking there is no way you are going to make this stress free.
Nope, none. Just trying to think it through, so thanks for the help!
@friday said in Would you go to the appointment?:
If it's the new doctor, maybe you could ask if the office has been vaccinated.
That's an awesome idea, thanks! I'll ask today.
@aqua-letifer said in Would you go to the appointment?:
@friday said in Would you go to the appointment?:
If it's the new doctor, maybe you could ask if the office has been vaccinated.
That's an awesome idea, thanks! I'll ask today.
That was my thought, as well. Of course they don’t know yet if vaccinated people can spread COVID. Only evidence so far suggests it is cutting the chance of transmission but they are studying that now.
Regardless I would go.
In the waiting room now. What part of "wear a mask" and "6 feet" do these fucks not understand?