Cuomo is running out of 18 year old stock boys and civil servants working from home...
I talked to a close friend in Texas last night. He’s 63, maybe 20 lbs overweight but he had a couple stents put in 10 or so years ago. He rides 100 mile bike rides. He’s getting his second shot this week.
@mik said in Cuomo is running out of 18 year old stock boys and civil servants working from home...:
I talked to a close friend in Texas last night. He’s 63, maybe 20 lbs overweight but he had a couple stents put in 10 or so years ago. He rides 100 mile bike rides. He’s getting his second shot this week.
You know, that doesn't really bother me. You can understand that a cardiovascular procedure puts you at special risk, and it's not like they can go down to the individual to find out who can't climb a flight of stairs vs who is now running marathons.
I saw Texas' short list of health conditions a couple of weeks ago, and it seemed pretty reasonable. It didn't include the 205lb 18 year old guy.
In Chicago, the teachers union is arguing that they have priority over everyone. That is not a stretch statement to make them appear ridiculous; they actually have said that they should take precedence over all other groups for 5 weeks until their entire membership has received the vaccine.
I can make a better case for teachers than I can for healthcare workers or any other professional group. At least en mass. Closed schools are doing permanent damage to millions of kids. I mean that's actually happening and has been happening all year. It's not a 'what if' scenario.
Having said that, the teachers union in Chicago would take all the vaccines and still find a reason to refuse to open schools.
The answer of course is for more vaccines to be manufactured and approved.
J&J has already been approved by brilliant people. The Russian vaccine is 91% effective!!! and easy to store.
We twiddle our thumbs blaming while other people actually do stuff.
More pie, not eyeing what’s on the table complaining about fairness and who gets what.
We’re going to have demand exceed supply for some time regardless. So really getting prioritization right mattered.
We’ve done 10% of the US population and are up to 1.5MM a day. We could have had everyone over 70 and the highest risk medical conditions done already. The death rate would then be insignificant.
@jon-nyc said in Cuomo is running out of 18 year old stock boys and civil servants working from home...:
We’re going to have demand exceed supply for some time regardless. So really getting prioritization right mattered.
We’ve done 10% of the US population and are up to 1.5MM a day. We could have had everyone over 70 and the highest risk medical conditions done already. The death rate would then be insignificant.
The political leaders of every state have so much say and literally anyone who wants a shot and is industrious enough can get one. It’s the way it is even if you are theoretically right.
Drive me nuts the lack of pressure on the supply side and the focus on the demand side. It always feels like a blame game, very distracting. Of course I am not talking Jon but using your comments to make a different point.
So starting in a little over a week, actual high risk individuals can sign up for an appointment, even if they're not part of a politically favored group! Will miracles ever cease?
But get this, already today the earliest appointment you can make is in April.
Oh, and they lumped every conceivable health condition in a single group. So if you're an otherwise healthy 18 year old with a BMI of 30, you have the same priority as a 64 year old diabetic on chemo. Seriously! And you're probably more computer savvy so you'll likely figure out the online system first.
But I'm not bitter....
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